A Dying Fire, Red Hair in Messy Braids, and a Grey Fox with Silver Eyes

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Till nothing. I was just suspended and still. Awaiting my next unknown move.

What was happening? Where am I?

"Kassareia." A light voice spoke. No inflection almost as if it were whispered to me by the wind itself. I looked for the source but couldn't find any culprit.

"Come to me..." The voice yet again.

Then I was walking. Surrounded by black my only sight being myself.

"Why am I here? What do you want from me?" I pleaded into the abyss. My pleas went unanswered. I just continued walking. Tears were forming and daring to start their treacherous fall down my blotchy and dirt-covered face. "Please!" I begged once more.

Then I dropped to my knees. By this time the tears were streaming, cutting valleys into my cheeks, burning holes into my chest.

"Stop crying, my child." The voice, so calm, spoke. My tears were gone in an instant. Then light surrounded me.

A light that would match the suns. A light that was so florescent and powerful that even the darkness of night could not bring it to its demise. As the light began to dim, I could focus on the beauty even more. Getting lost within its rays till it was a ball. A flickering and dying ball of light. Beauty and warmth still exploded off of it but, dimmed and fading.

"Save me." It spoke with the same tranquil voice that came before. "Before..." I growl rumbled from behind me.

I turned and saw a grey fox. With eyes as haunting as the moon itself. Sliver pooled from the orbs that encased this creature's soul. I felt as though if I didn't turn away, I would be trapped in its stare for all of eternity. Lost in the glow. Then the creature turned away from me running towards...

"NOOOOO!" Realization hit me. I went to move but I was too late. The beast had murdered the brilliant light that once graced my presence. "You monster." I spit. Anger had taken over my body. Seeped into my bones, latched onto my heart. I went to lunge at the terror in front of me. Only to


"No. Stop. Stop!" Screaming I sat up. As I went to move, I felt the chains that held me. Confined me to my place. There was nowhere to go, I was trapped.

"Oh, Kas. Poor, innocent, Kas. When will you learn the fox always wins?" He emerged from the darkness, entering my line of sight. As he came closer, I wanted nothing more but to get further and further away. Then he was sitting next to me.

"Stop." I whispered.

"What?" He spit, words laced with venom. Sending chills down my spine. I looked away. "You dare tell me what to do. You insolent child!" He grabbed my hair. Messily braided and tangled. Forcing me to look into his eyes. Sliver, piercing eyes, held my own. My red hair looks like blood in his hands. "Come on! You know me better than that, Spitfire!"  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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