Car Ride (Chapter 44)

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My hand unbuttoned his shorts with ease and unzipped his zipper, keeping pressure on my index finger as a tease. "Stop, babe. Whatever you're doing, stop. Want me to make amends with my promise in your family's home? Fine. But we are not getting in a car accident," He gritted out, his knuckles turning white on the wheel.

As soon as we pulled into a white curb, he put the gear shift in park.

"Come here," He grunted.

I didn't at all hesitate. Ignoring the fact that cons outweighed the pros in this situation, I climbed toward him. The space between us was very little since there was a door right by us, a gear shift on our other side, a steering wheel behind us, and my pregnancy bump squeezing us together. I adjust myself by teasingly sliding myself forward on Jack's lap, feeling the salacious friction slightly rub my core.

I straddled him as best as I could, my breasts pressing tightly against his chest as I ground my sex into his developing hardness. "Is this what you want?" I whispered alluringly in his ear.

He kneaded my ass before slapping my right ass cheek almost angrily. "What I need is for you to have less clothes on, baby." He follows that core-clenching statement with a sweet kiss on my neck.

From the way in which I was situated, I looked down at him as he scoured the length of my legs tenderly, looking ravenously up at my separated lips. His affection filled look then discovered my eyes. He reached up slowly, and caressed the side of my face. "I love you."

I licked my quivering lips, feeling increasingly more cherished by him everyday. "I love you too." I become a little bit flushed, covering my cheeks.

"Stop that," He started, removing my hands from my face. "I never want you to deprive me from your beauty, Angel. I want to see your face. Each and every inch of your face." He removed his hold from me, his hands going back to my ass.

I spread open his shirt, running my hands up and down his chest after each button. A dot of sweat began to stream down the side of his temple, showing the impatience and sexual tension the car held. A bit of his dark, gelled hair fell onto his forehead. Which you could guess made him look sexy as hell with his halfway opened shirt and almost messy hair.

His eyes went from gazing at my face and right to my v-neck cleavage. His hands slid up from my legs to underneath my shirt, massaging the sides of my baby bump. "Time for this to be off." As I went to reach down to remove my long sleeve top, he included, "I'm going to need a condom, baby."

I froze and looked down, raising my brows. "A condom, huh? What more could happen than getting a woman pregnant, mister?"

One side of his mouth lifted which caused his dimple to appear, and the teasing glint in his eyes made me grin. "Angel, this is a rental vehicle. Something tells me that we should leave this car seed free when I'm finished with you."

"Well, I guess I can't really argue with that."

Not that I had one ounce of logic in my head at this moment since we were about to do some dirty stuff in this car. It was just a good thing that these car windows were very tinted.

Reclining a little to discard my shirt, my back connects with the steering wheel, and the horn blared out into the quiet street.

I jumped a little in shock, my core coming back down on his bulge. We both moaned in anticipation. We leaned towards each other, and he pulled me into the most sizzling, most extraordinary, hot kiss that I'd received. Hard yet still delicate, his breath hot and lips parted, it set my arousal for sure.

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