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Kennys pov:I woke up soaked in sweat I had a bad nightmare I was tired and nervous today was me and wendys  graduation we are going to university the same one and the same room wendy drove today to get coffee so how was sleep said wendy driving sleep I didn't even get sleep at all I said wendy chuckled maybe you can use some coffee to wendy said I'm fine I responded you don't look fine wendy said it's that I'm scared of graduation it's today this afternoon I said truthfully I'm stressed to but hey look at the bright side after collage we will start our new life said wendy exited I kinda cheered up again and said yeah I'd like some coffee just what I thought wendy holding my hand only one because she was driving of course

After graduation

Wendys pov as soon as I went home we had to wait 2 weeks to get applied to university but I'm happy to see kennys no longer depressed today I told kenny something weird if we had a kid what we would name it kenny then said well I don't know about that I'm thinking of kendy kenny jr Ashley carol karen Mike or something well kenny jr and kendy would be nice I said with a smile I was tired I kissed kenny and said I'm tired kenny well wendy I know what can not get you tired said kenny with a little chuckle I said what kenny then said well sleep then I knew he was joking you maybe want to do something else like you know I said we snuggle kenny suggested no I was thinking maybe we can you know I said again ok what do you want said kenny sex I want to do sex I said Wait your joking right said kenny no I am not I responded wendy you need to wait until marriage kenny said oh come on do we have to I said upset look wendy just wait when we get out of collage we do that ok wendy kenny said kenny please can we at least use protection I can buy condoms if you would like I said desperately I really don't want to do this said kenny so yes or no I said the answer will still be no I'm sorry wendy kenny responded ok no is still the answer I'm just going to sleep me to I'm a little tired me to

The next day

Kennys pov I woke up snuggled by Wendy she was asleep I went down to make breakfast and I went down stairs quietly and today we get the letters for university so I went to the mail box and it had me and wendys letter in it wendy is a light sleeper so she woke up wendy then got her letter and opened it and I opened mine and we were both going to university I was happy for me and wendy I'm glad that were gonna still be together but I'm wondering what stan kyle and cartman got for collage

Holy shit this is the longest story I have wrote see you guys tomorrow with new epic story

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