1: I Mean, It's Harry Styles

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Brandon Walsh's POV

"It's not gonna happen," Kennedy laughs.

"Ken, it's just—"

"Brandon," she cuts me off, "I'm not gonna go to New York with you. It's far and the last time we did go, we spent double the time on the road because of your stupid ass. I'm not gonna go," she says with a tone of finality.

Making Kennedy come with me is proving to be a struggle. She likes to stay at home way too much and would rarely ever go out—it's like getting a hermit to leave the house. Oh—that sounds like a good video idea. 

I sigh in frustration, realizing I would need Mom and Claudia's help. 

"Mom!" I call out.

"Really?" Kennedy deadpans, "you're getting Mom to back you up? Pathetic."

I ignore her. Mom comes into the kitchen, opens the fridge, and takes a water bottle out. "What's going on?" I was just about to explain our situation when she talks again. "Brandon, stop annoying Kennedy."

My jaw drops open. "I haven't even said my case yet!"

"That's because you're always annoying, Brandon. Even Mom thinks you are," Kennedy says with a smirk. Mom nudges her with brows raised and Kennedy waves her hand towards me, "He wants to bring me with him to New York."

"So go," Mom says before chugging down half of the bottle.

I grin, feeling victorious. Alright, one accomplice down, Claudia to go.

Kennedy scoffs, glaring at her with evil, evil eyes. "Excuse me, but I have better things to do."

"Oh really, Ken? Like what—staying in your room all day?" I ask with a chuckle.

Kennedy turns to Mom. "Aren't we in the kitchen? We're in the kitchen right now, right?" Mom nods, confused, and a weirded out look on her face. Kennedy grins. "Alright, just checking."

This sassy witch.

Just then does it dawn in on Mom. She mutters a low "oh" before scooting past Kennedy. 

"Kennedy, come on," I try one more time. "Get your butt out of Maryland for a day or two." If this doesn't get to her, I'm gonna have to ask Claudia to help me with this. I'm sure she can work her magic.

"Brandon, I have to shoot, edit, and post some videos! I'm packed for the week." I turn to Mom for help but she just shrugs and exits the kitchen. Fuck. 

"Why don't you bring Cory and Nick with you?" She asks.

"Cory has a family thing this weekend, Nick has his anniversary with Julie."

She cleans up the counter. "So none of your other friends could come?"

"They've got their lives, Kennedy."

"Well, so do I!" She shoots back with a laugh and I can't help but join her. Where does she get her wit? She literally stays at home all day. This is fucking stupid—I have to call Claudia.

"So you really won't come with me?" I ask.

She perks up at the tone of my voice. Instead of bitching, she looks up at me and frowns. "I really can't."

I nod. Making a beat on the counter before going up the stairs, leaving Kennedy in the kitchen. I pull my phone out and scroll through my contacts, finding Claudia's number and dialing. She answers on the sixth ring, like the devil she is.


"Brandon!" She whisper-yells. "I'm in class! Just text!" Then she drops the call.  I stare at the phone in shock. Women.

I shoot a quick text to her.

To: Claudia Walsh
I need ur help with Kennedy

She responds almost instantly.

From: Claudia Walsh
What did u do again?

A frown makes its way to my face. Always my fault, is it?

To: Claudia Walsh
Nothing. Get her to come with me to NY.

From: Claudia Walsh
What's uppp

To: Claudia Walsh
Call me after class.

She sends me an eye-rolling emoji. While waiting for her call, I text my contact person for the surprise I have for Kennedy, having her send over the full details of the trip and confirming that there will indeed be four of us coming to New York. A man has gotta have faith.

Claudia rings me after about half an hour.

"Brandon, what is it?"

"I need you to help me get Kennedy to come with me to New York."

I hear some shuffling from her side. "Yeah, you already told me that, dork. I meant what for?"

"A concert," I blurt out.


I take a deep breath, debating if I should tell Claudia about this surprise or not. Knowing her, she would be able to keep the secret whilst dropping a few hints every now and then. Fuck it. If I need her help, I'm gonna need to tell her everything about the plan. This is for Kennedy. 

"Harry Styles."

There's silence from her side and I briefly check if she's still on the line—which she is. When I put my phone back against my ear, I hear her say, "Brandon. Are you serious?" I don't even get a response out when she talks again. "This isn't a prank right?"

"No, Claudia, it's not a prank. I got these tickets from this website for like way cheaper," I explain. "We're all going—you, mom, Kennedy, and me."

"Oh my God, Brandon!" She squeals and I can't help but chuckle at her excitement. "Okay! Okay! I'll talk to her. She's not gonna believe when she hears about it!"

"No! Claudia!" I yelp. "It's a surprise. She doesn't know it's for Harry or that it's a concert!"

"Oh, okay," her excitement dies down, but she squeals again. "That makes it even better! When do we leave?"

"Next week Tuesday. Don't you have like exams or something?" I ask her, only now considering her nursing school schedule.

"It's Harry Styles," she deadpans, "I'll talk to Kennedy."


Shameless plug: I've written a Larry fic. It's called OVERHEAD and chapters are already up on AO3. Link is in my bio! Let me know what you think!


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