22: No Promises

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I need to catch up. So much is happening. Aaaahhhhh!


My alarm woke me at six. I had been so tempted to tap on snooze, but I remembered the reason I wanted to wake up early in the first place—it was Harry's last day here. Without even giving myself an opportunity to think twice about it, I jump out of bed and hurriedly make myself look decent before heading to the kitchen.

I asked Brandon to run to the store to get a couple of things for me. I go through the instructions, anxious and excited at the same time. There is no room for mistakes or mishaps, I tell myself. The directions will be followed to the dot and it will turn out perfectly. It couldn't be that difficult to follow a Youtube video, right?

I begin to work, moving about in the kitchen, mixing ingredients and whisking. I was getting tired, to be honest, but I push myself harder, imagining the delight on his face when he realizes what I had done for him. His eyes will shine, his dimple will show, and the grin on his face will be so wide, his cheeks will be hurting for the entire day. That was enough motivation for me to keep going.

"I knew I smelled something," Claudia says, walking in on me as I carefully add more details to my creations. She's beside me, leaning down to get a closer look. "Aww, these are cute! Can I have some?"

I scan everything before taking one and handing it to her. "Here, you can get the ugly one."

She snorts but takes it anyway. She fishes her phone out of her sweatpants, camera trained on my baked cookies before she pans it over to me. "A pâtissier in the making," she drawls. I project, posing thrice before laughing, Claudia joining in.

Mom appears, all dressed up and ready to go.

"Where are you going?" I ask the same time Claudia says "Where'd you get your dress? It's cute."

"I'm meeting up with a friend," Mom replies, passing by me to get to the fridge. Claudia and I snicker, knowing that by 'friend' she means someone she met off of Tinder or Bumble. She's going on a date, folks. "An online shop—forgot the name, I'll send you the link," she peers over my shoulder to get a closer look on the cookies. "Kennedy, these are great, did you make them yourself?"

"Yeah," I grin, handing her one, "here, taste."

Claudia frowns and grumbles. "Why does she get to have a pretty one?"

"Because she's the Mom, that's why," I shoot back.

She and I laugh as Mom takes a bite of the cookie. Her brows rise in surprise and even while chewing, she says, "They're good, they're good. I love it. And you made them look like what—seals? That's cute."

I smile sheepishly, flustered by the barrage of compliments. "Thanks."

"For him?" Mom asks, and I answer with a nod. She grins, a teasing look on her face.

"What?" I straighten up, unable to stop a smile from showing. She shakes her head, palms up, chuckling. "Shut up," I bend over again, getting shyer with every second that passes.

Of course, I knew what she was thinking. They know me better than anyone—they know I wouldn't do something like this just because. Claudia was apparently also thinking the same thing when I spot her hiding her smirk behind her phone.

She perks up. "How's the apartment hunt going?"

"Better than I expected it would," I reply, decorating eyes on the cookies. I lean back, assessing my handiwork. Hm, could use bigger eyes. "I found one just about twenty minutes away—great view, secure neighborhood, large windows meaning greater lighting."

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