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"The hearing, and the sight, and the heart, of each of those of ours will be questioned by Allah."


> Do you fear Allah? How will you face Prophet pbuh? What would your parents-siblings think of you when they'd learn that you read sexually intimidating content? Or watch? Or write sexually intimidating content? Have you prepared for your Akhirah?

Reminder; we will die the way we have spend our lives.

> Creating the content of these pornographic books and films and animation are pure evil, that leads to nothing but destruction of themselves, their families, erosion of morals in their children.

> Faces and hearts will be cursed with ugliness for writing- creating filthy content. Lives will be miserable(not blessed), hormonally disturb. Craves to commit sex. Addicted to masturbation. Ruins a household. Ruins relationship between a married couple. Negative influencer.

> How can a son grow up with chastity, and a daughter can know what modesty is?

> Creating books-animated-cartoons-films, pornographic. Youth will read-see the worst and most abhorrent of what they read-see of nakedness, kissing, embracing and lying down together. Then youth wants to experience, with whom? With their brothers or sisters. And they will either be too young to really understand what they are doing, or they will be at the threshold of puberty, and this poses a huge danger.

 And they will either be too young to really understand what they are doing, or they will be at the threshold of puberty, and this poses a huge danger

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best keys to prevent yourself from engaging in such filth.
>just get up and leave; remind yourself Allah is watching!
>connect with your Salah; learn about haya in Islam
>remember the day of judgment; recite astagfhar!
>lower your gaze! Don't look!
>try not to look at people whom are inappropriately clothed.

السلام عليكم
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And those who write filth or sexually intimidating stories after introducing themselves as Muslimah and Muslim.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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