Chapter 1

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This chapter won't be so long but I hope you enjoy ! :)

Sandra's POV
i yelled into the phone, I wasn't very happy at the moment. My boyfriend or Ex, cheated on me with my sister I moved immediately after I found out. I decided too move into a smaller neighborhood. But when I was unloading my moving trunk I saw that I was missing the keys too this new place. So I called that shit head and apparently I left it at his house. And worst part is I don't even have a car. My car was getting repaired since the night I found out my two year relationship was broken I furious drove my car into a light pole. I had no way too go all the way over there.

So I just sat on the side walk with nothing too do but wait for a miracle too fall out of the sky.

But then I heard footsteps and I turned my head

There stood the most attractive guy I've seen in a while,
He was tall, he was covered in amazing tattoos, his hair was just perfect, it looked effortless yet amazing, he had a warming smile on his face.

As I kept staring I stopped myself because I was probably drooling by now.

"hi, my names Jesse. Are you moving in ?"
He asked with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, but I seemed too have left the key too the house somewhere else. And hi, my names Sandra"
I grinned and shook his hand.

"Well that must suck. Would you like too come into mine while you get your keys? You seen pretty frustrated"

My first instinct was too say no.
I mean people always say don't talk too strangers right. No matter how hot they look and him he was fucking hot, but I couldn't just go in his house. Could I ? Of course I could what am I saying

"Really, thanks! I'd love too"
I said with a smile.

"Great! Come this way."
He looked relieved and leaded me over too his place.


I hope you enjoyed :) !!

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