Chpt 5

143 3 0

Meinu POV

"Hello? Yeah... I just wanted to update my will..... no. No. Meinu Si. Yes. Okay.... tomorrow... I'm free 1:00?... okay. Thank you. Bye." I hung up the phone and sighed rubbing my immense headache. The house was dead quiet. I started cleaning the house and putting my stuff in suitcases. I turned the t.v on and stared blankly. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I opened it. And red was there. He smiled and walked in.

"Hey meinu. I bought some food for you and Dylan. The gang and I went our for some barbecue." He placed everything down happy and looked around.

"Did Dylan go out?" I nodded.

"Yeah. It's okay he'll eat it tomorrow."

"Ah I see. So how are you? It's lonely without you and the gang miss you."

"Actually Red-"

"Oh. By the way. We finally landed a deal. We might be transferring to Japan." He smiled.

"That's amazing red. But-"

"Don't worry. You don't have to come. It's me and the main boys going. They're so excited. They haven't been on a plane ever!" He laughed and opened up the food. If I had told him I was gonna die... would he stop the deal? He would.

"That's... amazing. You guys will do great. But... don't visit us anymore for a while. Since you'll be busy and we'll be gone for a while too..." he nodded.

"That's fine. But the gang will complain. We might visit once." I nodded and we continued to eat.

"Where's Dylan?" I froze thinking of an excuse.

"Parents house." He smiled.

"That boy is still a mama boy I swear." I nodded.

"Look red. You'd probably tired. Don't worry about me. You can go. I'll visit the gang tomorrow okay?"

"Yeah... sure. But I can stay. Let's have a drink. I can always stay here and leave once Dylan comes home-"

"How about... we go drink tomorrow with the whole gang. Then me and you can meet up later. Tonight is just too sudden." He nodded.

"Your right. Sorry for intruding. Hehe. I will take my leave then. Eat up." I nodded.

"Bye Red. See you tomorrow."

"Definitely." He packed his stuff. Said one more goodbye. And left. The silence crept back in again. And ate. Washed the dishes. Then went to bed.



"Mrs Wang?" My mum stood up and the doctor came to her.

"You are very healthy. Everything seems fine. You will live very long."

"Thank you Mr Ji." He smiled and we began to walk away.

"Ah. Dylan!" Mr Ji ran up to me and smiled.

"Please tell Meinu to visit me tomorrow for the next step." I froze.

"Excuse me... next step?"

"Ah yeah. If she hasn't told you then it's confidential. Can I have her number?" I wrote down my number and gave it to him.

"Just text her. She'll be busy." Dylan said. He nodded. And left.

"What next step?" My mum asked. I shrugged.

"We will find our tomorrow I guess... let's just go home. Last night."


Meinu POV

I dressed up nicely and went to reds house. The gang welcomed me fully. BBQ, food, drink and soju. I started drinking to my hearts content and dancing to the music. Then I had to talk.

"You guys... were my brothers pride and joy. I'm so happy for you all." I chocked starting to tear up.

"Although at first you were stranger... we became family. And I wish you all the best. You're always welcomed into my home and arms." They all clapped and I drunk. And drink some more. My phone started calling.


It said. I picked up.

"Dylan~~~ hehehe... hi"

"Meinu. Where're you. I need to speak with you-"

"I'm partying!!!" I yelled and the gang cheered drunk as well.

"Meinu. Please were are you. I'll come to you."

"I hate you Dylan. Just leave me alone! But.... I'm lying. I hate you. I hate you. Why didn't you marry the girl... I don't want you-" I felt nauseated.

"Meinu!" Red came to me and held my hair as I threw up and took. The phone.

"Dylan. I was wondering when you'd come get her. She's drunk hurry up!" He hung up and Peggy banked me to my old room with my stuff still there. He tucked me in and yelled at everyone as they soon left. The music that pounded through out the house had stopped and it was quiet. Till the door creaked open.


(Message from private number)

Hi Meinu it's me your doctor. I hope your feeling better. Now I need you to make the final decision. The first signs is
1) you will forget things
2) you will faint a lot
3) you can't hear anything
4) you can't see anything
Then you will pass. I think you should inform Dylan about this so he can help you. This disease is incurable to you have maximum 3 months left to live. You can either die naturally or choose when to die and donate your organs for kids in need. Please see me soon, sincerely your GP.

——————— ———— xx-xxx-xxxxx—

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