Once Dr. Sanders had assessed that I had suffered no harm during my ordeal, he was immediately carted off to the tables in the hall where food had been laid out for him and the three other people in his group. Now that I was hidden by shadows, I could gaze upon these strangers and see for myself what they really looked like.
Out of the three, only two had introduced themselves. Colonel Richard Bailey, a slightly older man who I would guess was close to two scores in years, had thinning grey blonde hair atop his head and a sternness in his cold steel eyes that showed he was not a man to be taken lightly. The next man was dark in complexion. He was so dark I would swear he was made of onyx. With dark black hair to his equally dark eyes, and muscles that bunched every time he moved his massive arms. I would think that the bovine on the hills would tremble at the sight of this man. He called himself Tyson. The third person with them was slight in build and female, with soft grey eyes that seemed to take in everything they observed. Even though this person was not saying anything, I could see that there was a lot of respect from the other three men in regard to this individual. Her name was Tara Rowe. Currently, they were being told of all things Gwynfor and our impending nuptials.
"I do not know how I can repay you for saving Mistress Ja'el's life, but please join us in celebrating this amalgamation this night, for when she is up and about, we will continue along with our plans for tonight," Gor'chan said, looking persuasively at the people before him. "You will be our guests of honor, yes?"
"Of course we would be honored to celebrate with you and your kin tonight, but please tell me how this arrangement came about. She is but a child and yet you wish to marry her before her life has even begun," Dr. Sanders remarked in confusion, his posture told me he was not comfortable talking about this particular topic.
"Well, she is a bit old, I grant you. But no one else will have her now? Most of our children are married at 10 and 2. Due to Lasair being so different, no one wanted her. Her parents were at their wit's end as when the time comes for the girls to marry the man who will have them pay their parents handsomely. But the older they get, the more undesirable they become. However, I am a collector of fine things, and with her exotic looks, I found myself pursuing her. I am a lucky man that Iago and Lynette have agreed to this union." He looked at the men at the table before he sat back in his chair.
"But surely she has a choice!" the one called Tara spoke up. "How can someone of your age be interested in someone as young as her? What if she does not wish to marry you?" Gwynfor Gor'chan smirked at her before he looked back at Dr. Sanders, ultimately dismissing her.
"Well, women are just second class citizens in this place, the men rule and the women follow. If her parents have decided she will marry me, and then marry me she must! Do women of your village not follow the men?" I saw the anger simmering in the grey eyes that were staring at him.
"No, we stand as equals to our men? We support them, not follow them meekly!" She turned to look at her companions. "If you will excuse me, I have need of fresh air," she remarked before striding across the hall to the outside. Keeping to the shadows I followed her out the door. She was stood there before me, looking out at the hills while taking deep breaths.
"Thank you for those words," I said, startling her to turn around and face me "Unfortunately even though I do not wish to be joined with that man, my parents have agreed to the union, to back out now would dishonor them!" Just as she was about to answer me, I saw her looking across my shoulder as someone approached from behind.
"I did not realize you had company out here Tara." Dr. Sanders remarked from the shadows behind me. "I came out to see if you had calmed down." He looked at me gently, "It is hard for us to understand your culture. Where we come from you would not be getting ready for marriage, but of going into more education and deciding for yourself what you wish to do with your life. Have you not wondered what lies beyond your own backyard? " he asked as he sat on one of the carved chairs.
Origins: an ECHOS novel (teaser chapters)
RomanceComing November 2019 on Amazon by Drake Leigh Available for preorder on kindle and KU Origins: An E.C.H.O.S Novel (Lasair Ja'el Book 1) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07ZZJRH7L/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_32bXDbP1D0N2A Adopted by the exploration group called...