My Boss Got Me Fallin' In LOVE 1

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A/N: Check out my new story, Life Improvement Services (the first 2 chapters are here on Wattpad, but the rest are free on Dreame!)

Anyways, enjoy MBGMFIL. It's 8 years old now, I think!

My parents looked at me like I was half crazy. Dad was already standing up and rubbing his forehead while Mom's eyebrows were meeting.

I was going to be a working student. And they need to accept that fact - not to mention, I'll need their consent first. Not that I need the money. In fact, our family's -I am- pretty well-off.

"All I need is the experience from this job. I need something to write in my résumé if I'm ever going to work in the fashion industry and have a high position." I explained.

"Again, Katee, why don't you just get into the family business? Your father's the president of Adams Enterprises and your brother is somewhere near the top already."

"Mom, we already talked about this." I shook my head and looked down. "I told you, this isn't what I want, plus, you and Dad have already agreed."

Mom sighed in defeat then finally nodded as she remembered our discussion a few months ago.

Dad sat beside mom, his arms crossed. "But why do you need to rush this now? Can't you just go get that experience thing of yours after graduating from college? Katee, you're graduating this year."

"Dad, this is a really good opportunity for me. Getting a good reputation could keep me on top. Besides, if you're worried about my grades, I'm not going to let my studies down." I said as I moved closer to them, and tried to look pitiful. A few more seconds of my puppy eyes, and they'll bend for sure.

Mom stared at me for a while, and her expression softened. Dad gave a sigh of surrender. "Alright, but your studies better not be put aside, young lady." He warned.

"Since your Father agrees, I won't argue." Mom smiled.

I got up and hugged them both, trying to contain a squeal.

"Thank you, both of you!" I hugged them hard as they tapped me on the back.

The truth was: I already knew they were going to say yes. That is why just a day before, I've already submitted my application to Leighton Industries back in New York. I was just actually visiting my parents in Seattle for the weekend just to formally get their permission. I arrived back to New York the very next day and got an e-mail that I got into Leighton Industries and that I'm supposed to start on Monday already.

Here we go.

Chapter 1


I yawned and stretched as I sat up. A smile has been plastered on my face since last night. I could barely sleep. IT'S MY FIRST DAY OF WORK! I jumped out of my bed, hurried in front of the mirror and squealed in excitement. I really don't know why I was THAT excited, but I had a feeling that the day would turn out well.

I hurriedly took a bath. Then, still in my robe, I headed to the kitchen and prepared pancakes with grapes and chocolate chips. Time check: 8:25 AM. My work was to begin at 9:30 AM, but since the building was just a block away from my apartment, I didn't have to rush.

After eating my food, I brushed my teeth then started picking out clothes to wear. Looking blankly at my closet, I wondered what was fit for a first day of work. I was scared of overthinking about what I was going to wear, that I ended up overthinking about overthinking.

All I'd do was design, pick the right kinds of cloths, colors, et cetera, and -most importantly- make my boss proud, to get me a good review for my application. Since the work-deal would only stay for until I'm done designing the whole thing (whatever it was), I guessed it would only take...a few months, maybe? Or even just weeks. It was going to be an easy in-and-out situation.

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