Part 2

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Big Bird was ravenous. He looked around the park, but could not see a child in sight, all of the ones he could see were slaughtered on the park. There was one with its hed stucc on a tree branch. Ow. Big berd lold. "Hahahhahahah, what a day it's been, wot a dae"
*rustle rustle*
A child poked its haed out the bush.
"OwO what's this?" Bug brib said.
The child couldnt screen coz big brigd had decapitated it violently. But there was another kid. Big bird took aim woth his RPG. "Boom" bug brig said menacingly.
" oh this is sooo sadd" he said with a slow, sarcastic voice. An army man that like big bird appeared.
"Helo big bid" i have bought yoy an african child from the colony over there"
"Thankyou sir."
Big bird cut off the childs lungs, and then ate them. He ordered the child to stand and do a fatt squat. Th e  african childs organs ruptured and fell out.

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