chapter 1

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Sitting at the back of this taxi I feel somewhat calm which is weird because I'm moving to a new place. A place better than the shit hole I was living in...I had this this force in me that was just forcing me to be peaceful and calm. I smiled as I watched the scenery outside through the car window

Trees rushing by in a blur and their bright colors just making me even more calm,then the row of trees ended and we started driving in a place with many buildings...there was a variety of them,they were different,some were tall and some were just small sized. This part of town was very busy it looks like this place is never empty or never sleeps.

Anxiety seeps into my bones as I kept gawking at the place...everything was busy here,this place has life and I'm not sure I'm ready for this kind of life,the always busy life,the no sleeping life,I don't think I can do this. I mean I come from a small town a few miles from here that has few people and your life is out there for everyone to know about,seriously everyone in that place is so nosy and just frustrating but people here seem to mind their businesses. no one is looking at what the other is doing and its comforting to know that people don't give a fuck what you do with your life,as long as it doesn't concern them you're good.

I'm deep in my thoughts that I don't hear the driver call me a couple of times before he starts shaking me
"Ma'am we are here"he says,I look out and see a medium sized building before and I had to do a double-take not believing that this was indeed my new home. It wasn't large or Expensive looking but it was fairly grand and magnificent for me

"The only place who will be able to afford staying in is a pigsty "

I wonder what you would say now mother,I say to myself while exiting the car and entering the building and I'm pretty sure my jaw was on the ground and my eyes were threatening to pop out of my sockets because holy mother of jesus was this place beautiful. it had glass doors and a front desk a few steps from where I was standing with a very stunning girl  behind it and the floor was gold with a touch of silver and don't even start with me on the decor...everything was coordinated and not a thing out of place...well if u aren't counting me.

I walked up to the desk and waited patiently for  the girl to finish taking her call. She hung up and turned to me with a friendly smile

"Hi I'm Linda how can I help you?"

Her voice was smooth I could listening to her talk all day if she'd let me,her smile was beautiful and her eyes sparkled,she was wearing a black tight fit skirt and a peach blouse with a nude lipstick...she was stunning.

"Hi my name is Paige woods and I called about a week or two ago about a place to stay"

"One moment please..."she tapped on her keyboard and turned back to me with the same smile

"Ahh yes ms woods, here are your keys to your room and its on the 2nd floor third door on your left,room 55"

"Thanks Linda "

Taking the keys,I followed her direction and soon found my room and I unlocked the door and wasn't large but it wasn't small either. It had a kitchen,living room,a bedroom and a bathroom. fully furnished. I thank god everyday for Mrs Markian or else I wouldn't have all this.

I settled in and took a hot shower with a smile and a hum...I wasn't happy,I was elated...I couldn't believe this. all this for me? But my smile and happiness died down when I realized that I used all the little money Mrs Markian gave to me for transportation and accommodation...I have absolutely nothing to my name...NOTHING. I reek of poverty even if I hide behind these grand doors.

I went to bed with a quick reminder to myself.

"I have to start looking for a job to feed myself and pay rent or else I'll be kicked out of here and be homeless again with no food to eat,so to prevent that I have to get a job asap"

"Good night grandma" I whispered softly looking at the ceiling but knowing and believing that wherever she is,she can hear me and is watching over me and with that thought I succumbed into deep sleep...letting the darkness engulf me in its welcoming arms.

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