13. Charles and Lewis

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A/N: hey gang gang, sorry I didn't post yesterday I was drowning in uni work and it was a sad time. But I am back and hopefully will be positing more frequently. Big up to wales for getting to the World Cup semi finals.
This is for flickerxstar hopefully it's ok, not used to writing about two drivers but I will try my best!

Word count: 893

Word count: 893!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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no. the moment you saw me as a bet was the moment you fucked up

Charles was pacing up and down his hotel room. He was beyond angry. He had started to fall for a fellow F1 driver and he really believed that the feelings were mutual and that it could go somewhere.
That all changed a couple of days ago. It was just after the terrible Russian Grand Prix where Ferrari's ridiculous strategy had cost him the race and his relationship with his teammate. After the race he was looking forward to spending time with Lewis Hamilton, the driver he was falling for, when he overheard Lewis talking to his teammate Valterri Bottas about a bet they had about how long it would take Lewis to make Charles fall for him and how they could use that to their advantage to disrupt Ferrari's season.

Charles couldn't believe how stupid he had been. He'd already had a bad race and all he wanted was to spend time with the person who was making him the happiest at the moment only to have it feel like Lewis had ripped his heart out and stomped on it. He knew it was pathetic and that a relationship was never a good idea for that precise reason, that it could be used to undermine other teams but he couldn't believe he had been the one to be tricked.

He had been avoiding Lewis since he had heard but that didn't stop Lewis from bombarding him with calls and texts wondering when the next time they would meet and where he was. It was difficult for Charles to ignore him and every time he almost caved but honestly it just made him more annoyed that Lewis still believed he could get away with it.

He knew he couldn't avoid Lewis forever but he wanted to get himself in check and have a plan for how he was going to act around Lewis and what he was going to say before he even thought about potentially meeting up with him. However, time wasn't working like that for him, the race in Japan was coming up and that meant a whole week spent trying to avoid him or to confront him straight away. Charles ran his fingers through his hair, and left for Japan, he was so confused.

He had arrived at the hotel in Japan and was making his way up to him room. He froze at the end of the corridor however when he saw the familiar outline of Lewis Hamilton going into the room next door to his. He laughed to himself, he couldn't believe life was playing him like this. Now he knew he'd have to confront him sooner rather than later and all of a sudden his confidence absolutely plummeted.

He composed himself, Lewis hadn't noticed him yet and he took this opportunity to show him that he wasn't going to be messed around. Charles walked down the corridor and breezed past Lewis who noticed it was him and opened his mouth to say something. Before he could though Charles opened his door and shut it quickly behind him. He lent against the door and breathed, why was he so nervous?

Before he had time to answer himself, or sort his bags out there was a knock at his door. He knew who it was and despite his entire mind screaming at him not to open it he did and he was greeted with a sad looking Lewis Hamilton.

"Hi" Lewis began, Charles just rolled his eyes but let him continue "I was just wondering if we were ok? You haven't been replying to my messages."

Charles laughed "really? You really don't know what you've done?"

Lewis just looked back confused "honestly I really don't know what I've done, if I've fucked up in anyway then let me explain" He pleaded with Charles and Charles so nearly caved at his brown eyes. He remembered what Lewis had said in the Mercedes garage though and he steeled himself and stood up taller before he began.

"No. The moment you saw me as a bet was the moment that you fucked up" Charles was proud of himself for saying it, and he almost managed to close the door in Lewis' face before Lewis had managed to put his hand on the door and stop it from closing.

"Please I-I know it started as a bet and that's so fucked up but I've really fallen for you" Lewis said, Charles melting slightly at his sad brown eyes. But he had been here before and he was determined not to let someone play him again. He could no longer trust Lewis, he didn't even know if his apology was genuine or another attempt to trick him.

Charles moved Lewis' hand out of the way. "Goodbye Lewis, see you at the race. Whatever we have is over" And before Lewis could reply he closed the hotel door and locked it leaving a shocked Lewis Hamilton to turn around and go into his own hotel room.

Charles didn't move from his position until he heard Lewis' door close behind him and then he let out a sigh of relief. He was hurt and it would take time to heal but he was glad he didn't let him walk all over him. With that, Charles set about unpacking and began thinking of the race week ahead.

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