The aeroplane

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"Nana thats Libby," I called pulling the curtain back across the window. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and struggled lifting the suitcase off the bed. Nana met me at the bottom of the stairs cradling her mug of tea. I knew she should still be asleep, like I wished I was, but I knew she wouldn't want to miss me leaving. 

"You got everything?" She questioned, I rolled my eyes at her fussing but still smiled.

"Yes Nana," I replied opening the door to the dark morning. The street lights mixed with the lights from the car illuminated enough of the sky to make it seem less dark and scary. Libby's blonde hair was pressed up against the glass of her window, I knew I better hurry or she would be falling asleep right there. She wasn't a morning person.

"Now don't forget you've got the doctors on Wednesday and,"
"Yes, Yes, I know, Now go" She stopped my sentence, she hated when I fussed.

"Love you Nana," I grinned, kissing her on the cheek.

"Be safe and enjoy yourself Tilly," She said, shooing me out the door. I knocked on the window of the car making sure Libby hadn't fallen asleep before squishing my bag in boot alongside her pink one.

"Morning sunshine," I said buckling myself in. She grunted in response before starting the car and pulling away from the side of the path. 

"Why did we book flights so early," She groaned. I laughed and flicked through the radio finding a better station.

"Because we want to spend all the time in the sunshine we can," I said settling on a station.

"Just get me in already," She moaned. I laughed and stared out the window, the darkness was slowly fading from a black to a lighter navy. Lights in the distance were flickering where the fisherman were starting to get to work. I loved living near the seaside. The nights in the winter were stormy and dangerous and the traffic during summer was crazy with tourists but nothing beat the sunset and sunrises by the beach, the smell of the sea and sand was something that was part of me. The locals were all friendly with each other, mostly because a lot of them had grown up with each other and I loved being able to call it my home. Before long we left behind the seaside and were hitting the main road and speeding off towards the airport.

"Oh my Jesus I love you so much," Libby cried cuddling the mug of coffee towards her. The waitress shot her a judging look before leaving to serve another table.

"You are such a weirdo," I laughed taking a sip of my own steaming mug. She glared at me before turning to tap away at her phone. 
"They've just got through security,' Libby said happily. Both of our attention turned to the crowds of people waiting around the airport trying to spot the familiar faces. 

"Bella," Libby cried from beside me, I frantically scanned the crowd until I spotted Sam, her fiancé, who easily stood out amongst the crowd due to his height and beside him the dark haired girl who waved back at us, bobbing and weaving in-between people and suitcases. Libby leapt from her seat rushing out of the restaurant to go to our other best friend. I chuckled, waiting where I was until they came up to the table.

"Tils," She smiled wrapping me in a hug, "I cant believe were here."
"I know who would of thought it," I laughed turning to greet Sam in a hug too. Bella and Sam were a perfect match ever since they met. They fell in love when they both started teaching at the same school. Sam was already a science teacher there and when Bella took up a teaching assistant post when she was in her final year of university, they just clicked. They now both worked together, Bella just finished her first year there as an English teacher. And now we were looking forward to celebrate the two of them getting married. They'd chosen a simple ceremony abroad just with their closest friends and family and it was going to be magical.

We sat back down around the table, the others placing their order before checking the board to see how long we had to wait.

"Both our parents are getting the flight out tomorrow as well as my brother but the rest should all be getting the same flight as us," Bella explained, always so organised.

"Including your sister?" Libby asked Sam.

"Come on Lib, She's not that bad," Bella tried defending.

"Oh no, I agree, she's a pain," Sam laughed, passing the meals the waitress brought over across the table. My stomach leapt in excitement at the breakfast sat in front of me, even if it was early still. 

"I wouldn't say a pain, maybe just a self centred asshole?" Libby said. I tried not to choke on my bacon as I struggled to hold in a laugh. Sam shrugged then grinned in agreement. The thing with Sam's sister was that she had only just got married herself, some business man, meaning she thought she was better than everyone else now she could afford certain luxuries. Since she was now becoming Bellas family she felt it was only right to include her as a bridesmaid but that had meant that every dress fitting we went to she had to make it all about her, every time we discussed arrangements for the big day it had always been made in to discussing her wedding. Bella being the sweet person she was just let her get away with it. Although some of the time me and Libby would pull faces behind her back whenever she went on another rant about how she would be doing it, we just hoped Bella didn't see us and use her teacher voice on us. 

When the three of us were together it was always Libby who was the trouble maker and Bella was the sensible one, I just went along with it as long as Libby didn't take it too far. It was the way we'd been for years now. Myself and Bella had gone to the same high school but weren't exactly close friends, we would smile at each other in the hallway and were in a couple of classes but we didn't become friends or make a trio until sixth form. We got put together in an english group and from then something in us clicked and we never really parted. It had been five years since then and now we all had our own jobs and lives we didn't always see each other as much as we'd like to but I always had time for them when they needed me and I knew they both always had my back. Libby lived about 45 minutes away from me and worked in a bank in the city and Bella and Sam's school was almost an hour but we met in the middle every couple of weeks and messaged each other almost every day. They were always going to be my best friends.

"Were coming in to land," Libby excitedly poked me as she stared out the plane window. Over the years we'd been on a few holidays together and Libby was like a child every time we got on a plane. She'd never been abroad until we went to Ibiza on our first holiday together the summer in-between our A-Levels. I pulled my headphones out turning off the chic flick film I was watching, I was a sucker for them. We'd all been seperated over the plane in pairs. After breakfast we'd all just rushed so quickly to the plane that Sam never had time to introduce us to his groom party, I wasn't even sure where they were sitting. His sister had happily come and tried to start a conversation with us until the food cart needed to get past and then she had to go back to her seat, to which Libby wanted to thank the stewardess for. 

"Its so beautiful," She sighed dreamily looking out of the window at the land coming in to view, the small white and blue scattering over the cliffs. Bella had chosen the greek island as their wedding venue as soon as they started looking. She came as a child and had always adored the bright blue seas and the little stone streets. I knew it was perfect for her and Sam had agreed just wanting her to be happy and as we came in to land I knew it was going to be a enchanting week of celebration. 

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