A familiar face, and new enemies

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A/N- hey guys. fixed the fourth wall, threatened Y/N, and im back with another chapter. keep in mind though, im running on like, 3-4 hours of sleep, so if there are any spelling mistakes, sorry about them. with that being said, this is the timeskip chapter. lets get to it.

(Y/N) Pov

Shit, cant believe its been this long since we left i think to myself as i look at the date of the video, watching the fall of beacon. i shake my head and put my scroll away, then turn and look at AP. "Come on, AP, we gotta find Haven, maybe catch Adam on the way there" i tell him as he crouches down and holds out his hand for me to climb into. "Affirmative, pilot. battery systems are at 50%. recommend you find another power source." he tells me as i climb in and the hatch shuts. "Gotcha bud. we'll look for that right now, actually" i tell him as we start to search for the battery supply. we end up wandering around for a few hours before coming across what looks to be an abandoned storage container. "Scans indicate no hostiles detected, pilot. it is safe to proceed" i hear AP tell me. i nod and start moving in the direction. upon reaching the container, i pick it up and open it, only to find a few containers of what look like dust. i set it down, then disembark and look at the containers. "Lightning dust? should work for a battery source, right AP?" i ask him. "Affirmative, pilot. lightning dust would be a good replacement battery source" he tells me. i shrug and pick up a canister, then drive my data knife into it two times, making holes for the dust, then i walk over to AP and insert the tube. i grab one more and do the same, inserting it into the third slot. i slide over and look at the first battery and shrug, leaving it in. At least until it dies i think. i jump into AP, and begin the walk to haven academy as i go through all that happened at beacon before i left. 

Fell in love...

Blake..team RWBY. i had fallen in love with them all. 

Protected the innocent...

Velvet..poor girl, i hope she got out safely, along with her team.

Fought the Bad..

Cardin.. not much to be said. he was a massive dick-nugget, fuck arse anyway

i shake my head, chasing away the thoughts as i realize were almost at a village. i hear voices and stop AP, then have him crouch and go low profile as i get out and crouch in the bushes.

Jaune Pov

As we walk the path, i hear rustling in the bushes. i turn and stop as i look in the bushes, and call out to the rest of the group. " Uhhh, guys?" i say, relatively loud. "Yeah, Jaune?" i hear them call back. i look closer and step closer to the bushes, and see a blue light flash, then disappear. i shake my head and go catch up to the others. "its nothing. thought i saw something" i say as we continue our way. we come to a crossroads, and me and ruby head to the village, and ren and Nora head to the mountain.(haven't watched it in a few years.if i got something wrong, chill, please. just lemme know and ill fix it)

(Y/N) Pov

As jaune walks away, i release a breath i didn't realize i had been holding. i shake my head, then get back into AP, and we continue the trek towards haven, or wherever this village was. might as well check it out, anyway. 


As we arrive, later than we would have, we hear clashing and roaring. i peek out of the bushes and see team RNJR fighting a nuckleavee. i shake my head and change to the northstar class and crack my neck, then barge out of the bushes, startling everyone. i launch my cluster missiles and tether traps at the nuckleavee, then hover and use my flight core. "Time to OVERCHARGE!" i shout as i activate a new feature i had been installing on the way here. i flick a switch, and AP's Chassis and hull begins to glow (F/C). as i unload the missiles into the nuckleavee, and the core ends, i change into scorch class as i come down and launch the two incendiary traps and use the thermal shield to avoid a claw coming into contact with AP's hull.  i smirk underneath my helmet and use firewall, igniting the gas around the Grimm, starting it on fire. i instantly change to the Ion class, and boost back. i look to the side and see Ruby looking at me, and i see her mouth a name. Y/N. i look back up to see AP charging his laser core, and as soon as he gives the signal, i laugh. "Laser core online" He announces as a large beam erupts from APs hull, and i direct it at the Grimm, devastating it in the process. i continue to walk towards it, not giving in, until i hear a screech, and finally silence. the core ends, and i change into the legion class, and pick the nuckleavee up onto the barrel end of the predator cannon. i spin it up and start to shoot through the grimm, and finally, as soon as the gun breaks through the flesh, i throw the grimms now dissipating carcass onto the ground. i turn and look at the group before me, then disembark and stand before them. i take my helmet off to reveal my aged face. 

Ruby Pov

As (Y/N) takes off his helmet, i cant help but stare at who and whats hes become since he left. he's..changed. i find heat slowly rising to my face, and i shake my head, trying to rid myself of these..Thoughts im having. when i look back up, hes over by uncle Qrow, and he injects him with something. i watch him with a curious, and protective, look. i move closer to him and look at the syringe, and read the words 'Stimulant' on it. i give him a questioning look, then decide id be better off not asking as i go back to the group and check everyone for injuries. "Everyone OK? aside from qrow.." i say, my voice filled with sadness at the end. i see my allies nod, and i breath a sigh of relief. i hear boots crunching behind me, and i turn to meet (Y/N)'s gaze. 

(Y/N)'s POV

As i administer the Nano-stim into Qrow, i watch as the wound cleans itself out and slowly starts to heal itself. i grab my helmet and dispose of the used needle, then walk back over to the crew, coming up behind ruby. she turns to look at me as i look at her, then look back at the group. "Qrow will be fine, the stim is already taking effect and closing the wound" i tell them. "what about the poison?" Jaune asks. i look at him. "already dealt with it. the stim rejects all harmful substances in the body, like poison, and ejects it, basically, before closing the wound." i tell him. he mouths 'oh' and looks at everyone. i put my helmet on, then look at AP and climb into the titan. "im going to find Weiss and yang, head to haven, ill meet you there" i tell them, then shut the hatch and change to the Tone class and start walking in a random direction.

Timeskip 4 hours

As me and AP are walking, flipping a 40mm bullet, we finally reach a clearing with what seems to be a tribal village in the middle of it. I smile and crack my neck as i see the gates open and people come out and point at me. I load the 40mm bullet into the tracker cannon and shoot my sonar pulse, highlighting everyone there. AP starts to walk towards them, when suddenly a woman in red with a white mask appears in the middle of the gate, staring at me.  i shoot another sonar pulse, and see more people coming, and i sigh and switch to Legion Class, then start to spin up the predator cannon and lower it towards them. i activate a speaker on the outside of AP's hull, and speak through a microphone. "i dont want to kill anyone, but i will if i need to. so tell me this, where . is . yang?" i ask.the woman in red seems to tense up at Yangs name, so i figured she knew her. i pointed at her, and spoke. "You, you know her. where is she." i demand. she only pulls out her sword in response, and i chuckle. "If its a sword fight you want, its a sword fight you'll get" i say as i switch to ronin class, then grab the electrified broadsword from off his back and look at her. her eyes seem to widen at the size of the blade, then she holds her hand up and lowers it, and as her hand lowers, the weapons of everyone around her lower as well. "very well, follow me, but please, refrain from killing anyone" she tells me. i shrug and start to follow her in AP, trying not to step on anyone in the way. she leads me to what seems to be the main tent, and then she turns and looks back at me. "Go around back, i shall meet you there with the two you seek" she tells me. we walk around the back and wait for The red haired lady. we look around, and i decide to jump out of AP. as soon as i land, i hear a door open behind me, so i turn and look at the red haired woman, who now has yang and weiss. "Wait, (Y/N)!?" both of them scream. i smirk under my helmet and open my arms. "alive and fighting like all hells broke loose" i smirk.

Alright, thats the end of this chapter, guys. i hope you enjoyed, and im sorry for the long wait. like i had said, ive been a bit busy, but here it is. its a relatively longer chapter, so i hope you guys enjoyed. till next time, STAY SILENT!

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