The Only One ( part 2)

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*Hiccups pov *
How can I feel like this ? I love Astrid or at lease I thought I did. Yet (Y/N) she does something to me I feel safe around here and so does toothless. She was my only friend before I found toothless she was there when no one else was. When I was a tooth pick every one else just likes me be because I trained a night fury. (Y/N) she is on my mind and I know why she haunts my mind she's even more beautiful than I remembered wait what am I thinking get your head together hiccup. I was hitting my head . "are you okay" she asked quietly" yes" I answered" why do you ask?" " Hiccup . YOU ARE HITTING YOUR HEAD! Know please help me hid from snotlout and hook fang ?" I was token back by surprise. In the five years she's been gone she has become more feisty for some reason I'm finding this vary attractive. " ya sure but, why are you hiding from him if I might ask?" I said putting my hands on my hips ( ok sorry if it's a little girly I'm trying ) " Hiccup!" She wined " ok ever since I got back he has been chasing me to get me to be his girl friend now please help me or else!" I was startled " Ok ! Just don't bite my head off!" She smiled one of her famous smiles. " Oh thanks hic ." She he hugged me tightly then ran inside leaving me as red as a tomato. Then I see snotlout yelling for (Y/N) I payed no tension to it and walked in side to see if she was 0K .
your pov
Man that was close when will snotlout leave me alone . You herd hiccups unmistakeable foot steps . He opened the door and asked if You where ok You didn't answer You pretended you was asleep. You heard more footsteps and then pressure on the bed that you laid on . You felt something warm on your for head he kissed you. He kissed you your mind played those words over and over again. ' man I really do love him but from when I first meet him I knew he had a crush on astrid ' your heart shattered he was dating her you knew that yet you still loved him and the warmth of his lips on your for head still radiant with its touch . Your heat was beating so loud you scared he would hear it. No you just heard a faint whisper" I missed you so much my dear dear friend." You felt a pair of strong yet feeble arms wrap around you . You thought you would melt if physically possible. The warmth of his embrace was so comforting you fell asleep in an instant. In your dead like sleep he Combs his slim fingers through your (h/l) silky ( h/c) hair he found it soothing . Soon even he feel to a deep sleep . With you in his embrace.
The Next Morning
You woke up to a warm Bing you instantly knew it was hiccup. You knew he was awake for the soothing feeling of his fingers through your hair. You weakly said" hiccup what are you doing?" He almost flipped off the bed you laughed so hard you where crying " w-what's so f-funny." He shattered you just rolled your eyes and went down stairs "(Y-Y/N) get whoo " he fell down the stairs you burst into laughing "are ha you haha ok hahaha." I laughed out " No !" he screamed sure got toothless on edge and tackled hiccup you ran out laughing with tears in your eyes so that you wouldn't laugh anymore before you Burst . After you calm down you went to the training arena where they used to train how to fight dragons know they train dragons ironic isn't it. I wanted a dragon you looked at every dragon but none seemed to suit you every one tried to help even hiccup after you said you where sorry. You went over to toothless you and toothless over a day grow a deep relationship you two are great friends not as great as him and hiccup but you still were great friends. You wondered if you'll ever find your own Dragon.
( we'll that's part two of the only one I hope you like it and please give me comments because I'm getting writers block and I really want to continue this so I hope you can give me some ideas in the comment box thanks )

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