Chapter 2

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"So, this will be your first time at the monastery?" Dimitri recited as they trekked through the undergrowth leading to Garreg Mach.

"Yes," Byleth lied.

"Though I've heard high acclaim about the place from commoners and nobles alike."

"Their not completely wrong. It really is Fódlan in a nutshell," Claude half-agreed.

Edelgard's expression was unchanging when she said, "Like it or not we'll be there shortly."

Byleth tried to read her expression as the walls of the monastery came into view. Even at his first ever arrival to Garreg Mach he had tried to read her expression. He never could. Maybe she wasn't sure what she felt towards the place either. It couldn't have been all bad, after all she made the monastery her base of her operations in the future.

When they had finally entered the Monastery Byleth looked up to meet the gaze of Rhea, standing on her overlook. What did she think when she first saw him? He could only guess that she was overjoyed to she her little experiment returning to her, or perhaps a possessiveness to never let them go again as not to lose her mother's heart.

"I have no memories of my time with her; but it saddens me to see she thinks me a possession for her to regain, rather than a life lost," Sothis said with disappointment.

Upon their entrance Jeralt and Byleth were escorted to the audience chamber by Alois, at last awaiting the appearance of the Archbishop Rhea.

Jeralt studied the room with melancholy eyes, likely thinking about Byleth's mother.

"It's been decades since I last laid eyes on this place. To be forced to see her now..."

"The lady on the overlook?" Byleth inquired.

"So you saw her, the Archbishop, Lady Rhea. She's the leader of the ridiculously large organization of devout followers of Seiros."

Jeralt tried to read Byleth's face as he explained. He looked rather bored. Jeralt never told him much about the church for obvious reasons and Byleth never seemed to take much interest, so, perhaps he just didn't care that much.

"Good," Jeralt thought.

The two green haired saints entered the audience chamber before the father and son in a formal manner, probably having just heard Alois' report on the situation.

"Thank you for your patience. My name is Seteth, I am an advisor to the Archbishop," he introduced.

Jeralt gave a weak, half hearted bow. "Right, hello."

"It has been a long time Jeralt... was it the will of the Goddess that we have another chance meeting like this?" Rhea wondered.

"She just thinks I control the moon and the sun, doesn't she?" Sothis said unimpressed.

"She is not completely wrong though. It is because of our will that he meets Rhea once more."

Jeralt was not sure what to say about that. He certainly didn't believe it, but he wasn't about to tell Rhea that.

"I apologize for my silence. Much has happened over the years."

Rhea smiled.

"So I see. The miracle of fatherhood has certainly blessed you. You are his child are you not?" she asked.

"My name is Byleth Eisner," he answered, followed by a polite bow.

She had the enamored look of a mother watching her child walk for the first time as she searched his eyes for signs of her own mother.

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