Unexpected Assistance

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[at Sweet Apple Acres loud stomping can be heard as the Mane 6, Colt 6, Spike and Barbra head to the source]

Twilight: *as their running* Remind me how this happened again!

[they see a giant tortoise eating apple trees]

Applejack/AJ: *shocked* And why there's a giant turtle eatin' our family's entire summer crop!

Fluttershy: Oh, dear. Mr. Tortoisnap said he was hungry.

Butterscotch- *concerned* But he promised us he would only take a few small bites.

Rainbow Dash: I don't think that thing knows what "small" is.

Mr. Tortoisnap: [gulps]

[Tortisnap grabs another tree with Spike and Barbra on it]

Spike/Barbra: *screams* Aah!

Rarity: *worried* Spikey-Wikey!

Elusive- *worried* Barby-Warby!

Spike/Barbra: *holding on* Whoa!

Mr. Tortoisnap: [chomps]

Twilight Sparkle: *serious* Applejack, AJ, Bubble and Pinkie, you distract him!

Dusk- *serious* Rainbow, Blitz, Elusive, Butterscotch Rarity, and Fluttershy, let's save Spike and Barbra!

*the Mane 5 and Colt 5 nods*

Applejack/AJ: [grunting as they buck apples at the big tortoise]

[Pinkie and Bubble throw apples at the tortoise]

Mr. Tortoisnap: [low growl and opens his mouth to get the apples]

[Rarity, Elusive, Rainbow and Blitz tie a big ribbon around the tortoise's mouth]

Fluttershy: *serious* Mr. Tortoisnap, we're only asking nicely once!

Butterscotch- *serious* Let our friends go!

Mr. Tortoisnap: [low growl and releases the tree that Spike and Barbra are on]

Spike/Barbra: *covered in saliva about to plummet towards the ground* Whoa! Whoa!

Twilight/Dusk- *catches them and puts them on the ground*

Spike/Barbra- *in fetal positions covered in saliva while Rarity and Elusive clean them off*

Dusk: *activates his horn* And now, a simple teleportation spell should—

*a shadow looms over everyone causing them to look in confusion*

Celestia/Solaris: *announces* Halt, interloper!

*they all look up to see the Royal Siblings and Cadence and Bolero flying*

Princess Luna: *serious* Stay back, friends!

Artemis- *serious* We will take care of the beast!

[the six zaps the tortoise with their magic]

Rainbow Dash: *annoyed* *to the others* All the times we've actually needed their help, and they show up for this?

Blitz- *admits* Cadence and Bolero get a pass...*annoyed* Ok, but why though?

[the six use their magic to teleport the tortoise away]

Twilight/Dusk: *shocked* That's just what we were about to do!

Princess Luna: [laughs happily] Goodness! That was fun!

Artemis- *agrees happily*

Celestia: *smiles at the others* No need to thank us.

Solaris- *happily* To be honest, we've recently realized we like being part of the action.

Artemis: *smiles* Experiencing life instead of just dreaming about it.

Cadence: *smiles* And making a difference outside our throne rooms.

Royals: [laughing happily]

Mane 6/Colt 6/Spike/Barbra- *concerned*

Applejack: *concerned* Y'all think they're gonna be doin' this a lot?

Twilight/Dusk- *worried*

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