Fuck You

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Fuck you
I am not your marketing statistic
Fuck you
I am not your demographic
Fuck you
I am not defined by my bank account
I am not my clothes
I am not my car
I am not my bling bling
I am not how many women I put my penis in
I am not my penis size
I am me, myself, and I
A human animal with fingers instead of claws
Ready to cock back my fist full of fuck yous and punch the world in the face
Ready to piss some gasoline all over this fire
Because I don’t wanna see your terrorist boogeyman anymore
I don’t wanna see your constant loops of planes flying into buildings
I don’t want your anorexic models, celebrity sob stories, and murdered children
I don’t want your rapist politicians,
and I don’t want the latest death toll

Fuck your pills
Because I don’t have ADD,
I just don’t pay attention to your bullshit

Fuck you and fuck your Viagra
Because if I ever do get a four hour erection
I’ll be seeking a lot more than medical attention
And did I not mention that I don’t even have health insurance
So how the fuck am I supposed to talk to my doctor?

Fuck you
Fuck your wars
Fuck your sport scores

The world is not right and left
The world is not Democrat or Republican
The world does not end at America’s borders

Fuck you
Open your mind
Think for yourself
and go, go, GO
Get the fuck off the couch
Go read a fucking book
Go turn off the fucking TV

Open your eyes

And to those
who choose not to
And to those
who don’t like this poem
And to those
who can’t dig my message
All I gotta say to them is


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