"Sounds cute"

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Hey my name is Danielle van de Donk and i play for arsenal. i'm currently waiting to see if i'm selected for the Dutch national team this year.



Lisa: "What's wrong?"


Lisa: "okaayy? so what?"

*Viv running into the living room*

Viv: "AAAHH"

Lisa: "Let me guess, you've got mail?"

Viv: "What? How did you know-"

Lisa: "Well Daan made it very clear that she got an email so-"


Lisa: "Wait you mean?"


Lisa: "omg yes congrats! What about you Viv?"

Viv: "....."


Viv: "I- I- I didn't make it?"

Lisa and Daan: "WAIT WHAT?!"

Viv: "lol chill of course I did"

"oohohoh Vivianne Miedema yOU LITTLE SHIT COME HERE"

*Daan runs after Viv and hits her with a pillow*

Viv: auw

"you deserved that"


Lisa and I are cooking dinner and Daan is waiting for the food. We always cook because the last time Daan tried, she set the kitchen on fire. When we all finished the spaghetti we just chilled on the couch in front of the tv. i was scrolling through instagram when i saw the other selected players.

"Daan, look these are the other players who made it"

*Daan sat next to me and looked at the post*

Daan: "nice nothing really changed"

"hmm Jackie Groenen?"

Daan: "who?"

"They also selected Jackie Groenen"

Daan: "yeah i figured but who is she?"

"i don't know let's google her"

"blonde hair, blue eyes. Pretty girl"

Daan: "sounds cute"

"i thought you were into Beth?"

Daan: "...."

Lisa: "ooohh someone's got a type!"

Daan: "No i don't piss off"

Couple of days later


I woke up to the sound of Viv's alarm, it's 7:45. I'm waiting for Viv to shut the alarm but nothing happens. I turn around to see a sleeping Vivianne Miedema hugging her teddy bear. omg this girl... the sound of the alarm is literally blasting through our bed room. i softly hit her arm



i hit her again

"Viv wake up"

again nothing..



I woke up to the sound of my lovely girlfriend screaming and an alarm blasting though our bedroom

"aargh what the fuck is that sound"

Lisa: "that's the sound of you needing to wake up"

*Daan walks into the room*

Daan: "is everything okay in here? i heard some screams and a loud asf alarm blasting through the apartment"

Lisa: "that would be Viv's alarm"

Daan: "And the screaming?"

Lisa: "that would be me trying to wake her up"

Daan: "the alarm didn't wake her up? what the fuck Miedema"

I made some breakfast and we all sat in front of the tv. we needed to be at the airport at 10:00 to catch our flight to the Netherlands. when i looked over i saw Daan checking out Jackie's instagram


Daan: shut up

"you're into her huh?"

Daan: how can i be into her? i don't even know her"

"well the same thing happend with Beth. you stalked her insta, got close with her, catched feelings but never admitted it"

Daan: for the last time i'm not into Beth"

"yeah sure"

Hi so this was the first part of my story. i hope you enjoyed it! if you have any requests let me know. oh and don't worry this story is about Beth and Daan ;)

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