A sweater i knew wasn't mine

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Daan POV

Viv and Lisa are like the most annoying people. First with Beth and now with someone i haven't even met. Well... yet. I also forgot to pack my suitcase yesterday so that's just great.

"LISAAAA?!" i scream. Lisa runs into my room. 

L: "What's wrong?!"

"I don't know what to wear"

L: "Are you kidding me!"

"Please help me"

L: "ugh fine"

After Lisa picked out an outfit for me i continued packing. I came across a sweater i knew wasn't mine. It feels really soft and it's in my size but i know that i didn't buy this. Oh crap it must have been Beth sweater. She slept here a few days ago but how does her sweater end up in my closet? and why hasn't she send me a message yet? doesn't she know her sweater is still here? Should i text her? Omg daan why are you freaking out about a sweater, calm down. I'll just text her that her sweater is still here.


D: Hey

B: hi what's up?

D: you left your sweater here haha

B: huh which one?

D: the really soft one 

omg daan why did you just said that? now she thinks that you have worn it.

B: yeah that still leaves me with no idea haha

D: i'll send a picture 

D: image-8.jpg

B: ooh that one

D: should i bring it to you today?

B: you're leaving for the national team today right?

D: yep

B: keep it so you will think of me ;)

am i really reading this? i mean of course i'll think of her, i don't need a sweater for that. wait did i really just thought that. 

D: as if i wouldn't think of you without your sweater 

and i officially hate myself. why daan why would you send that message 

B: would you?

great.. how am i gonna save myself out of this situation

D: i have to go ttyl :)

B: No daan wait

Last seen: 8:24 AM

Beth POV

Okay so that was weird. would Daan really think of me? i mean i would definitely think of her. 


i just finished packing my stuff and i'm checking to see if daan is ready. i knock on her bedroom door


D: yes come in 

"you ready to go?"

D: almost done packing, i'll be downstairs in 5 minutes 


i walked downstairs and sat on the couch next to Lisa. I grabbed my phone and started to scroll through instagram. I saw that Jill posted a video on her story of her packing. I send her a dm if she wanted to meet up at the airport. meanwhile Daan finally walked downstairs with her suitcase and joined us on the couch. we still had half an hour before we had to leave. Jill asked if she could ride with us.

"Lisa can we also pickup Jill? she doesn't have anyone bring her to the airport.

L: yes of course

L: but then we will have to leave now because you know how Jill is.

Jill POV

I was watching Netflix on my phone when i heard a car arriving. I opened the door and saw Daan, Lisa and Viv. I ran inside and grabbed my suitcase, leaving my phone on the table. I gave Lisa a hug and she helped me with fitting my suitcase in the trunk. I grabbed my keys and locked the door and sat next to Daan in the car. We were driving for almost 10 minutes when Viv said

V: wow Jill this is the first time you didn't forget anything 


V: oh come on really"

L: What's wrong this time"


D: how in the world can you forget your phone?! 

"oh you shut it van de donk, remember when you left your whole suitcase in the taxi?"



"you mean by driving, driving back to my house right"

Lisa sighing: yes Jill

30 mins later after we drove back for my phone we arrived at the airport. We immediately walked to the self check-in and dropped our bags off. Viv gave Lisa a kiss because she had to stay behind.

Daan and Jill: "ugh"

L: what 

"is it really necessary to do this in front of us? 

V: ahw is the single squad jealous because you don't have anyone?

I put my arm around Daans shoulder

"First off i have Daantje and second we wear that title with pride"

we all laugh and say goodbye to Lisa.

Daan POV

V: Daan at what gate do we have to be?

"ehm let me check. Gate 6"

V: are you sure?

"Yeah i'm sure because i learnt how to read when i was younger"

J: haha

V: shut up ms. oh no turn around i forgot my phone.

J: oh so we're playing that card huh

"okaayyy so we can board already let's go lesbians!"

Viv and Jill with a weird confused face

"oh come on that was funny"

Viv: is it like not possible for you to have one sentence that doesn't include a meme?

We stood in line for the plane but when the lady scanned our tickets it gave an error 

lady: you're flying to Amsterdam right?

"yes we are"

Lady: well this is the flight to Warsaw

V: omg Daan are you kidding me

J: "yEaH i'M sUrE BeCaUsE i LeArNt HoW tO ReAd wHeN i WaS yOuNgEr"

"shut up both of you. So if this is the wrong gate where do we have to be?"

Lady turning the ticket over: Your tickets says gate 9 so that's where you have to be

V: Daan are you that stupid? you held it upside down?!

"Well i'm sorry okay let's just find gate 9"

when we arrived at the gate the lady behind the desk already closed the line 

"i'm sorry ms we went to the wrong gate but we really need to be on this plane"

Lady: i'm also sorry but the boarding is over you're too late

I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

 if you have any requests let me know!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2019 ⏰

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