CHAPTER 5: Sakura..

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Silence filled the air....a few minutes later ...

"Y-your b-back" i said about to cry

Sasuke started walking at my direction.

He was in front of her..a million questions filled up her head dont know what to do what to say??

Was he health on his journey? Did he eat well? How was it like out there? Does he have any injures to be healed?...

Sakura cant stop the thoughts through her head...studdenly a hand touched here fingers... she flinch at a studden movement and looked up ..

"Hn" all what he said

"Nice to be back" again suprise what he said

"Good to have u back" i said happily

We were walking to the hokage tower so sasuke can report his missin on his journey....  i wanted to go with him to the hokage tower but i have to get to work myself too.

It was silence for a few minutes we i made the first move..

"Umm..sasuke-kun...ill get to work so umm...ill see you later ok.." i said a bit shy

"Hn" he said with a nod

What i expect from the uchiha

"Ok then...see ya" i said and ran off to the hospital...already running late

Arriving at the hospital i saw people running from one side to a another and a.....

"Sakura-sensei..something happened to a group of anbus that went out on a mission at the town near the land of silence..." a young medical female

"WHAT...tell me everything on the way" i yeld...beginning to walk to the room they were held.

Opening the door three anbus were laying on the bed struggling like they were crazy ..they always said stubid thing kill me..kill me...

"What in the world....."i said in a whisper

"Explanation..NOW!!" I said getting my gear on

"They went on a mission to the village called 'lukara' which they believe...they were looking to why the boy that came yesterday was hurt with out any clues or what so ever...."

Checking all the patients with some help from my group...
They were same as that boy but the thing is there chakra are not disappearing but turning to a different type of chakra..

"And then" i said eyes on the patient and ears to the information

"...they went on this mission yesterday morning about 5 or 6...and they arrived here in at 6.....sai found them on  his way there helping them..but found out that they were attact.." ino said

Didnt know she was here

"Ino...good ...come and hold the head of this one and tell me what you see..!"

Ino nod and came to the spot where i was... she closed her eyes and concentrate..

"This one was....was....sitting at the camp...while the other two were ...out somewhere.....!!!"
She opened her eyes

"What..what happened"

"It was a black out like something is stoping the memorise to come out...if i have enouogh charka i can go in deeper and find out what it is..."

"......ok then ino..get ready!" I said holding her shoulder ...

"Yeah...lets do this"

She put her hands once more to the head of the patients while i slowly activate my 100 healings mark...

She closed her eyes again
"Anything.." i said

"Not yet.."


"Ino what is i--" sakura said feeling her charka absorbed by something inside..

"Ino let chakra.."

"I am almost there sakura...just a little bit fether...!!!!"

I can feel inos chakra being absorbed almost gone...but i am not giving up so easily... i took a breath and in and ........out!!!

"Yeahhh....SHANNNNNNNRO!!!" i screamed and giving all of chakra to ino to finished ..and suddenly..something came inside of me ..making me flinch..

"We did it.."ino said see the patience sleeping peacefully..and the weird thing is so as the others...maybe they were linked or something..

"Sakura we did i---" ino turn around looking at me with worried inside her eyes..

I was standing in front of her felling dizzy and i....collaped on the floor...

"" i can hear ino yelling and yelling and it became a whisper....

"What in the world...her eyes were red..." someone said

"Get lady tsunade for me!!"

They all left leaving ino with some doctors helping her with sakura on the bed ...

"Please be ok" ino said almost tears coming out..

"What in world happened.." tsunade came in a few minutes


The sanin looked at sakura and began to check her a while she said..

"Its ok...she is in a coma right shes just fine..." she said relaxing her hands

"Sakura.....thank god" ino said

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