Chapter 35 - You again...

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He did it. He blocked the net, making it catch him, not me. Taking all the pain and horror and endured it for me. He took the blow, and protected me. He saved me.

All in the blink of an eye.

Mat's jaw drops. Even Mr. himself, looked stunned. All the other soldiers showed the same expression as well, having the same statement in mind: That zombie saved her?

I was paralyzed. Remember is probably even more hurt. Seeing him lie, there almost unconscious this time, had me shivering.

"R-Remember...." I croaked, crawling to him on all fours. The sandy ground felt like a ton of thumbnails, as I slowly headed towards him. With every advancing move, I could feel my heartbeats grow louder and louder. My whole body was moving unstably, from the image of his last action. "R-Remember...."

Now up-close, I saw the net as a poisonous purple color, and wasn't made of ropes. It was more like a slipper blanket, which restrained him.

Once he was in reaching distance, I tried to unwind the web-like net from his body. But it wouldn't untangle. My hands felt sore from trying to pull the edges. Not even the metal shard I had last time could cut through this.

Gently lifting up his upper body, I hugged him once more in my arms. My face was now fully soaked in tears. I didn't care about how filthy my clothes were. I no longer cared that we had lost to Professor Grant and his minions. All that mattered to me right now was Remember and his safety.

At that moment, I could no longer hear anything, couldn't see anything or even feel anything. All I could think if was: Why?

"W-Why did you do t-that Remember?" I whimpered. "W-Why did you do that? Why, Remember? WHY???"

A figure then moves in front of me. It was another man, Professor Grant's dirty workers. His screwed up military group...

Anger bubbles within me. My whole body burned, feeling rage fill within me.

"Alright, it's over." The man says casually, as if nothing happened. As if nothing happened...

He then reaches towards me, saying "Let go of Zombie No 16 right n-"

I flashed a murderous look at him. "Don't. Touch. Me."

He stumbles back somewhat, as if seeing a ghost. My eyes continued to glare at him, no longer in tears. I was mad. He made me mad-All of Professor Grant's dreadful soldiers angered me.

"Hey, hey now we're not going to hurt or your zombie friend anymore." He hesitates, though not daring to move any closer. "So just relax, calm down and we'll-"

"Back off." I replied, voice in a hoarse whisper. My gaze refused to peel off from the enemy. This shook him even more. Now it was his turn to feel afraid.

He now looked at me, as if I were inhumane; a monster.

But I didn't care. Right now, all I could care about was Remember. Was he alright? Is he still alive (And not fully dead)?

"Alright, this is getting ridiculous." The man grumbles, and with that calls for back-up. A moment later, three pairs of hands grab me, forcing me to let go of him (of Remember). I was hauled upand forced to have my hands behind me.

"NOO!" I screamed, kicking and shoving the guards behind me. Yet once again, it was no use. They began to drag me away, away from Remember. I was just as screwed as Matt from this point on.

Total panic explodes from within me.

"N-NOO!" I continued to wail, nearly going into a tantrum. "ST-STOP! LET GO OF ME!"

The Infection: Zombies Awakening (Book 1) - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now