Chapter: 2~

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It's been about two days since I volunteered to be the omega, and it's been okay. About twenty minutes ago Daniel, Rylan, and Dottie were 'training' me so that I could challenge Ein. In reality all I was doing was eating rolls. Aphmau made us promise not to mess with Ein- then she asked me and Dottie to help her find her phone. So we tracked it down and we found that Jax and Riders sent is all over Ein- meaning he must have had her phone. Dottie hid behind the wall while Alpha went to go confront Ein- I was right behind her the entire time. Blaze went up behind Dottie and spoke.

Blaze: What's going on?

Dottie: Aphmau isn't happy with Ein...

Aphmau: Ein!

Ein: Huh- Aha, There's my girlfriend.

Aphmau: Ugh- Stop calling me that. Now give it back!

Ein: Give what back?

Aphmau: My phone. I know you have it- Jax and Rider took it from me and I know they hangout with you.

Ein: I don't have your phone. Jax and Rider did have a phone but- I didn't ask them about that.

Aphmau: How can you let them get away with doing things like that!? You're the alpha- set an example!

Ein: *Chuckle* I am.

Aphmau: Well you're not setting a good one- the alpha male from last year would have never let behavior like this go past him.

Ein: Ugh! Shut up and don't tell me how to be alpha!

Aphmau: Then give me back my phone and I'll think about forgiving you.

Ein: I said I don't have it- you can search through my locker if you want.

Aphmau searched through Ein's locker while he waited 'patiently' right next to her. I growled lowly knowing her phone was in his uniform shirt pocket.

Aphmau: Empty your pockets.

Ein emptied his pants pockets- but not his shirt pocket. It's almost hidden anyways because it's on the inside of the uniform jacket.

Ein: See, Nothing.

Aphmau: Ugh, I swear if I find out that you're behind this-

Ein: What are you going to do? You wouldn't hurt your boyfriend would you?

Aphmau: You are not my boyfriend!

Ein: But we're so cute together~.

Aphmau: Ein! I'm serious! Stop it!

Ein: And I'm serious- what are you going to do if I don't?

I glared at Ein- my vision starting to go... red? What the hell!?

Aphmau: I challenge you Ein!

Ein: Huh!?

Aphmau: I challenge you to the werewolf games! Just like the ones we were going to have before you became alpha!

Ein: I'm afraid I don't understand.

Aphmau: It's simple- If I win, you will dethrone yourself as alpha!

Ein: You can't challenge me- you're the alpha female! You can't challenge to alpha male!

I decided to but in- I'm tired of Ein's crap anyways.

Y/n: She. Just. Did.

Aphmau: I challenge you Ein!

Ein looked around and saw the crowd of Werewolves, Meif'wa, and Humans that had gathered up to watch the drama unfold.

Ein: Fine... but if I win, you have to actually become my girlfriend.

Aphmau: If it gets you away from my pups- I will take that risk.

Ein: Tsk- Fine!

Aphmau turned and walked away, Ein started talking under his breath.

Ein: Heh, good luck setting up that obstacle course. She'll need a few days to set that up.

Dottie and Blaze, as well as a majority of the crowd fallowed after Aphmau. Soon the bell rang and everyone was gone- everyone except me and Ein.

Ein: What do you want you filthy omega?

Ein spat- I just glared him down- my vision was flashing from clear to red and blurry.

Y/n: I know her phone is in your jacket pocket, it's not that hard to see when it comes to the male uniform.

Ein: So? What are you gonna do about it!? You're just a weak human!

Y/n: I may be an omega- but you might just want to be careful about who you call a human.

I let my albino ears out as I narrowed my eyes at Ein.

Y/n: And if you think I forgot about last weeks incident then you're dead wrong. Daniel still has the bruise- it's all black and blue too. I wonder if It's possible to bruise a skull~?

I smiled joyfully at him- Ein growled and raised his fist to hit me. I just waited for him to strike. As soon as his fist hit my face I ducked and kicked him in the gut.

Y/n: You punch strong, I'll give you that. But you're lacking in defense.

Ein got to his feet and glared- before charging at me again. I did the same.

=TimeSkip: After the Fight=

I glared at Ein, his eyes met mine. We were both bloody and bruised, but he had the worse end of it. He started to speak again as we picked ourselves up off the ground.

Ein: You know- I never could tell you were a werewolf. And I never knew you wore contacts- are you related to that witch girl- what's her face- uh, Lucinda! Yeah- that's her.

Y/n: I don't know what you're talking about, but if you're up for it. Tomorrow afternoon, 3:30 pm in the school gym. We settle this. Wolf to Wolf.

Ein: Deal, now get out of my sight omega.

Y/n: That's not all- If I beat you tomorrow, I will be the alpha male. Because- I challenge you Ein!

Ein: What- You can't be the alpha male! You're a girl!

Y/n: It doesn't say anything against it in the rule book. It even says one of the lesbian werewolf couples in the past were the werewolf alphas. One took the role of alpha male and the other had the role of alpha female.

Ein: You know what- Fine. You'll lose anyways.

Y/n: Great. I'll see you then.

And just like that- the battle for the role of alpha male starts.

I'll Always Be Here~ (Aphmau: Lucinda X FemaleUltimaDemonReader X Katelyn)Where stories live. Discover now