Chapter 25

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I then hid behind the 4th Prince's back and mouth out the words "we only informally talk to each other when we are alone or people will get the wrong idea", I inform the 2nd Prince. At that moment, the 4th Prince turns to me and shot me a glance as I quickly smile at him while his eye narrow in.

"Well, then I should be leaving. Farewell, 4th Prince and Concubine Liling." said the 2nd Prince and smile at me.

I smile back and did a tiny wave without the 4th Prince noticing. Once the 2nd Prince was out of sight the 4th Prince cleared his throat to get my attention to him.

"So when did you two became close?" he said coldly as I felt a trace of fear in me.

"I don't understand what do you mean by that?" I said, trying to shrug off the feeling and ignoring the fact he noticed something.

"Well, then I should be leaving too?" I said, trying to escape, but then I remember I need him to tell the guards to leave my court.

"On second thought, I need you to inform the guards to leave my court." I request nicely.

"And why might I?" he said as his voice had a trace of annoyance?

"Fine, please excuse me!" I snort and left him all alone. I could no longer tolerate him and once I arrive at my court, the guards looked shocked to see me out as if they thought I was in the room the whole time. I walk towards the guards.

"Well, I like to inform you all that the 4th Prince allows me to leave the room and for you all to leave my court," I inform them.

"How do we know you are telling the truth." said one of the guards.

"Are you saying that you don't believe what I said," I said firmly and tried to act like that 4th Prince.

"I mean no, Concubine Liling. Please forgive me. We'll be leaving now'' said the guard in a rush voice and all left my court.

I enter the room to find Lin and Mei Mei hurrying to the bed as one of them went inside the bed and cover themselves. I chuckled, " The coast is clear. It's just me". Then, Mei Mei uncovered herself and got out the bed. I smiled at them as a burden was lifted off of them.

"You guys may leave for the day," I said and they nodded their heads and left.

Then Lin stops at the doorway and turns to me. "My lady, don't forget tonight is the Emperor's birthday, so they are having a celebration tonight," inform Lin.

"Oh, okay," I said, nodding my head and this thing they left.

Hmmm, I wonder what the emperor look like?
I thought for a minute, but a few hours later, I was in a peaceful nap when someone came through the doors. I open my eyes to see Lin and Mei Mei with clothes and jewels. I groan in not wanting to go, but Lin replied, "Come now, my lady it's time for the ceremony".
Mei Mei helps me up and they began to get me ready for the ceremony. They wrap me in silky purple clothes along with a flower hairpin in my hair.

"Now hurry, my lady. The 4th prince and the others are waiting for you," reply Mei Mei.

Aw man, I have to go with them.
I complain and whine inside my head. I went towards the 4th Prince's court to see them all waiting for me.
Time to act once again.

"My apologies for taking a long time," I act humbly and smile upon them as they led the way and I follow them.

We arrive in the main court where the Emperor throne was and there were two rolls of people sitting from the far left or far right as they left a big wide space where it leads to the emperor's throne. We took our seat as I sat far away from them while people were chatting and then they all became silent and stood up.

"Long live the emperor," they all said at once. Then came in a mid-age man, wearing a golden robe, walking to the throne and once he faces forward, my eyes widen to find the same mid-age man that I played chess with, was the KING!

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