Chapter 69

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The next day, I stayed in bed until half of the day was done. Weeks fly by as I keep my distance from the 4th Prince even though the 4th Prince keeps watching me daily, but I travel with others so he wouldn't mess with me. Soon, all the leaves from the trees were gone as I knew that winter was coming and during those days before winter hit I had built a warm cozy dog house for Ben Ben to stay in the cold winter.

In the dim room, I sat by the open window with a blanket on as the weather drastically became colder and I saw a tiny, white snowflake. My body jumps up with my hope up as well. "Snow?" I said and leaned out of the window to see better. I took a deep breath.
I'm finally coming home...
As I pull back and shut the window, and head to bed. The next morning, it was so cold that I was curled up in a ball and clinging to the blanket for warmth. My body was shivering as I woke up to realize it must be winter. I shot up and hurried to open the window, but it wouldn't budge.
What? Is it frozen?
I once again used my strength to open the window but it didn't budge. I went to the doors and opened it to find two guards blocking me. "What's this? Move," I said. "Sorry, Concubine Liling, but we were ordered not to let you out," one of the guards said.
"Who ordered you two," I gritted my teeth knowing who.
"The 4th Prince," they said.
My mouth twitch, "Well, tell him to come here immediately." Lin entered, bringing a tray of food as she was wearing a warm coat on her and one of the guards nodded his head and left. I saw a glance of the whole area covered in pure, white snow as I started to feel excited.
After eating, I sat by the table and impatiently waited for the 4th Prince to arrive while I was tapping on the table.
If he is not coming in another minute, I'm going to try to find a way out of here!

Soon enough, the 4th Prince entered the room and I abruptly stood up. "I have a bone to pick with you," I said deadly as the 4th Prince excused everyone out including the guards. "Why are you locking me up again?" I said with my arms crossed against my chest, but he was silent.
Oh okay.
As I nod my head and had an idea in my head. "Fine, don't talk just sit there because I have all day in this room." I exaggerated.
The 4th Prince slightly opened his mouth, "Um... I- I...." he walked forwards to the table and facing his back against me as my eyes gleamed. I took the chance and slowly took light steps towards the doors and shot the door open as I ran for it. "LILING!" The 4th Prince was calling my name from afar, but then I saw the two guards by the gate as I dodged past them. I was running in the fluffy snow and was hearing people chasing after me. I hurry off as my foot slips on hidden ice that was covered by the white, fluffy snow. My body flew backward and soon gravity did its job. "NOOOOOO!" The 4th Prince holler as it felt like my body was going in slow motion until..........
My butt landed on the cold, solid surface, I groaned in pain.
Wait. Why didn't I return home?

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