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ira : jennifer's body

2 ½ weeks later

— — — — cut along this line — — — —

keiani wished she hadn't told donald that he scared her. now he made her walk home with him on friday's and go over to his house when his friends weren't around. even though he didn't do anything to hurt her, she always felt on edge around him.

donald made her nervous because she never knew what he would do. and his sly threats never helped any.

"come here." he said standing at his closet.

she went to him curiously. it wasn't all the time she was afraid. donald was normal when he wanted to be.

he handed her a black hoodie. "put this on."

"why?" she asked looking at the white lettering over the front.

"'cause i want you to." he duh toned her. "and 'cause i told you to."

"i don't have to do what you say." she scrunched her nose at him. "where'd you get this from anyway? it's nice."

it was a simple black hoodie with the words 'euphoria '95' on the left side.

"from a store, stupid. where else?" he was being sarcastic as he went back in his closet.

"this is why your friends don't invite you anywhere." she huffed while putting the hoodie over her head. she liked the way it smelled. "and you probably stole it? i don't know."

donald fixed the hoodie around her neck, brushing her hair from underneath it. "there, you can keep it. i have another one."

she went to look in his mirror, laughing at how big it was on her. "this is dead ass a dress."

"no, yo' ass just little."

"ain't nobody told you to go buy this big ass hoodie, shits like a three x." she pulled hoodie taunt around her waist. "this don't even look good on me."

he shrugged without turning around, "you look fine."

"wow, you saying that means so much." keiani drawled sarcastically.

she grew a lot more comfortable talking to donald over the weeks. he even had his moments where he was funny. being around him wasn't that bad. it was just sometimes he would say things to scare her. most of the time she wasn't sure if he did it as a joke or if he really meant it, so she was always cautious.

"you can have this too." he held out a fuzzy brown teddy bear with a black ribbon around its neck.

"really?" she took the toy from him apprehensively. "like actually? there's not some weird camera in here is it?"

"no." his eyebrows furrowed. "i just said you could have it so stop acting stupid."

keiani smiled softly, completely ignoring his rude tone. "aww, thank you."

"you welcome." he said and went back to pulling things out of his closet.

that made her smile bigger. he never said that before, her appreciation was always met by 'whatever's or silence. she felt like he was opening up to her a little.

she sat on his bed hugging the bear to her chest. "what are you looking for?"

"clothes, use yo' brain."

she rolled her eyes at him even though he couldn't see her. "thanks for the sweater too." she waved her arm around in the sleeve still in awe at how big it was on her. "are you okay? 'cause lowkey you're being too nice to me."

𝐌𝐈𝐒-𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 / 𝐂𝐎𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐓Where stories live. Discover now