in my dreams | .changbin

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"hi bubs"changbin walked into the your shared room, eyes fixated on his lover that was typing on his computer

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"hi bubs"changbin walked into the your shared room, eyes fixated on his lover that was typing on his computer. you turned around, your (h / c) moving with you as you looked up to see changbin above you. his hands softly made their way to the younger's hair, brushing the (h / c) locks calmly.

"hey 'bin" you stood up and made your way over to the side of the bed, changbin following. slow music played in the background as changbin hugged you from behind, the two of you swaying softly and humming along.

"lets get to bed." you nodded, socked feet dragging across the carpet and lifting up to the silky sheets of the bed. you slipped off their pants and sweater, leaving the socks and changbin's long sleeve on.
changbin nuzzled his way into your neck, lifting his leg on top of the yours and resting it there. he was a big softie at heart, but he loved being the big spoon.

"work was good today?" you asked, earning only a nod in response from his lover. it was hard being in a relationship when changbin was constantly touring, practicing, or in the studio. but you did it for changbin; it was most definitely worth it. especially times like these.

you flipped off the light and changbin wrapped his arms around you like a teddy bear. there was so much love in this boy's heart that he showed to basically nobody but you. "i love you" changbin said, muffled due to his mouth being in his lover's arm. "goodnight baby." he kissed the your shoulder and nuzzled deeper into you.

"i love you more 'binnie." changbin's icy breath hit your neck as he softly snored away the tiredness that being in the studio brought him. you didnt care that tomorrow would be a repeat of changbin coming home late and having to patiently wait for him.
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