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It was a very rainy morning, you were sitting on the couch and waiting for the clock to tick to 10:00, the exact time you made breakfast every morning. You had a small morning schedule, clean, cook, help Daniel and make calls for his business. Daniel owned a big video game conpany, Daniel was the guy who made many games for phones and I pads back in the 21st century. He was very well known and an amazing person.

You heard a click and looked at the big clock set on the wall above the fireplace. It was 10:00, you got up and walked to the big kitchen. You grabbed some pans out including eggs, bacon and butter. You cooked the eggs and bacon in different pans and toasted some bread.

You neatly placed everything on a plate and placed the plate on a tray and too the lid and covered the food.

You walk out kitchen and go to the stairs. You walk up them and go to the master bedroom were Daniel slept. You knock on the door and opens it. Daniel was sleeping so you opened the drapes to make light shine all around the room. "Good morning Daniel." You smile and walk over to him. He smiles at you. "How was your night?" He asks, you look over at him. "It was very good, how are you feeling right now." He nods. "I am pretty good, what's for breakfast, I am starving." He exclaims. "Bacon and eggs with salt and pepper, and a piece of toast with butter on it. Just the way you like it." He smiles and gets up. You leave the room and Daniel follows behind you.

You walk into the kitchen and grab the tray. You walk to the dining table and place the sliver tray in front of him. "So, what's on the agenda for today?" You blink a lit and your LED flashes from blue to yellow back to blue trying to remember. "You have that event at 6:00 pm in the afternoon today." You look at the window and back at him, He nods as he slides his plate to the middle of the table and dabs his face with a napkin that was placed under the cutlery. He sips his orange juice and excuses his self from the table. You grab the plate and go to the kitchen, you place the plate in the sink and wash all the dishes you used earlier this morning.

Once you were finished, you walked out and saw Daniel sitting on the couch, in a tuxedo, reading a book called 'Goosebumps: The Night Of The Living Dummy'. It seemed very old, you scan it. R.L Stine, Book From 1997. "What are you reading, Daniel?" He looked up at you. "It was a book I read when I was maybe, 10 years old. Surprised it is still in good condition. " He closed it and put it to aside.

Connor POV

I was walking through the streets, looking for L.T Anderson. I walked up to a bar, I scanned it. Jimmy's Bar. I walked through the small glass door. I scanned the room and saw L.T. I walked up to him and shook his arm. "Lieutenant Anderson." I called out to him. "Who the hell are you." He snapped at me. I tilted my head a bit. "I am Connor, the android sent by CyberLife to work with you on this case." He looked at me blankly.

Time skip, I lazy

I was sitting in the passenger seat of L.Ts car as we pulled to the crime scene. "Stay here, I won't be long."He hops out the car and slams the door, I then follow.

We cross the street and walk to the front porch. "No androids allowed on the crime scene." Hank scoffs. "It's with me." The police man nods and let's us in. "I told you to stay in the car." He stops and looks at me. "I was programmed to be with you at all costs." I blink at him. He walks away to a police officer and I look around. I scanned the wall. It said 'I AM ALIVE' written in blood in big bold letters. I crouch down and scan the body. Carlos Ortiz, middle aged man, stabbed 28 times in the chest with a knife. I stand up and move to the knife, laying on the ground. I pick up a little bit of blood and lick it. "What the fuck are you doing?" I turn around to see L.T staring at me in shock.

I stand up slowly and look at him, I open my mouth. "I can scan samples in real time, sorry for not warning you before." He nods with his mouth open the slightest bit. "Well just don't put anymore evidence in your mouth, okay?" I nod and walk over to the kitchen, I scan the  kitchen.

It seemed that it was a struggle. "L.T Anderson, I think I know what happened, It all started in the kitchen, the deviant was being hit by the bat. It grabbed a knife stabbed the victim multiple times in the chest and leading them to the wall. We're the victim slowly stopped breathing." He looked at me and started to speak. "Well your the royal doesn't sound like complete bullshit so I will let it slide." I nod and I speak up. "If I scan the house I can find a trail of Thiriam-" I was cut off. "Whats Thiriam." He asks. "It's the thing humans call blue blood, it is the thing that run our biocompents." L.T nods. "Blue blood evaporates in 6 hours so the naked eye can't see it." I say. "I am guessing you can scan it."

I nod and start walking around looking for any trail, I found one that lead outside, I go out side and see foot prints but they look to big for a Android so I decided to go back inside and keep scanning. I followed the next trail, it lead to the bathroom. I moved the curtain fast, all I saw was a wall covered in the letters, rA9, and a stature. I grabbed the stature and scanned it. It was a peace offering, for what. I walked to the hallway and looked up. An attic. I walk to the kitchen and dining grabbed the chair.

"Hey, don't touch the crime scene." Anderson said, I looked up at him and said. "I am just checking something." L.T nods and I go to the attic.

I place down the chair and slide the slide the attic door out of my way. I hop up and enter the small, dusty attic. I look around, nothing seemed to have accursed up here. Suddenly, I see something run from the right to left. I walk over to the place the thing ran. I see a android, his LED was a bright red and it was covered in blood. "WHAT'S HAPPENING UP THERE." I look behind me in the direction of the door.

".. please don't turn me in.." It says with a soft, quiet voice. I think for a moment. "It's up here." I yell back at the L.T.

I have a over night field trip tomorrow, I can't write because I won't have wifi on the bus and the curfew is 10:30 pm at the hotel so. And I will probably be watching youtube. So I might write after school today. I don't know. Okay bye. -emily                       Word Count: 1268 yay

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