Forever and Always

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WARNING: May be triggering due to issues with selfharm, please don't read if that's a problem for you, i don't want to hurt anyone


 Unwanted sunlight pours in through the tears in the cheap motel room curtain, aimed directly into the eyes of Louis, who in turn begins to stir and disturb the white bedsheets that were stained with sweat and other bodily fluids from the previous night.

He rolls over and sees his lover is still in a peaceful slumber. As he sits up, rubbing his eyes and yawning, he takes in the motel room in which they had spent the night. It wasn't much, infact it was absolutely wretched, certainly nothing either of them we're used to. But they had been in a rush, and this had been the closest place around for them to solve their...little problems...

More like BIG problems, Louis thought aloud when he shifted slightly the wrong way, causing pain to shoot up his spine and spread throughout his back in a flash.

"Mmnghf" A muffled response came from the still unmoving mass of body and sheets opposite to Louis on the bed.

Louis smiled to himself and pounced onto the pile.

"What was that darling?" He asked the mass, which was still unmoving beneath him, save for small heaves of what Louis presumed to be his lover's chest taking in breaths. Louis pulled back a small corner of the sheets and ran his fingers through the heaps of soft brown hair, wild and unruly as ever.

The mass suddenly flipped over, causing Louis to fall backwards and land on his back onto the mattress with a small oomph.

He felt long, lean fingers wrap gently around both his wrists and pull him into a sitting position on the broad chest of his lover, coming face to face with wide green eyes filled with mischief and amusement, and soft pink lips streched into smile as he chuckled deeply, crinkling the skin at the corners of his eyes. Louis winced at the pressure on his wrists, but tried not to show his discomfort. Obvious confusion flashed across the other boy's face, and the cheeky grin turned into a worried frown.

"What's the matter boo?" He asked, still concerned.

Louis gave a small smile to prove he was fine and brush his worries aside.

"You could have at least warned me first, Harold"  He grumbled, emphasising the name because he knew how much it reminded his lover of their adolescent years when he called him that.

The green eyes flashed one emotion, fondness, and then another, not quite as clear.

"That's not my name" His lover's deep and richly accented voice spoke out finally, the words drawn out agonizingly slow as usual. It was worth the wait though, to hear what he had to say, to hear that beautiful voice. It sent shivers down Louis' spine every time.

"God, I just love that sexy voice of yours..." Louis half mumbled under his breath as he used his index finger to lightly trace patterns across the bare skin of his lover's chest.

"Mmm" The boy below him hummed with satisfaction.

"Kiss me" The elder whispered.

Immediately, the soft, bright pink lips attached themselves to Louis' neck, kissing and sucking lightly, but enough to leave his mark on the boy.

"Mine" Harry growled softly into Louis' neck as he moved down slightly, now sucking and nipping at his collarbone.

"Yes, yes, all yours baby" His once-bright eyes were clouding up, becoming more of a stormy grey color and his pupils were blown wide. He gasped, breath hitching as his fingers found thier way up Harry's body and into the heaps of brown hair once more, repeatedly running through them, the curls becoming more wavy than anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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