Question/poll (not related to story)

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Hi guys! It's me, ThatOneAuthor24, and I'm back atcha with another call of duty commentary.


I mean I'm here today with a poll for you all! Just something to help with what is happening with the chapters that are coming and what you guys would prefer. So here are the options!

#1.    2-4k words a chapter, and posted regularly on Saturdays, Sundays Or Mondays.


#2.    4k+ words a chapter, but posted about once every 2 weeks on Saturdays, sundays or mondays.

This is just to know what your guys preference is at! Thanks for the help everyone and hope you keep enjoying the story!!
Ps. I swear to christ if people choose OR as an option. I will lose my mind xD

Alright guys, peace out and have a good one! P.p.s check out the meme photo above :D

Sincerely with mucho luv.


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