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Jennie tossed and turned in Jisoo's bed. She couldn't fall asleep. No matter how hard she tried. She sighed.

Jennie got out of bed and tiptoed into her room.

"Sorry Lisa." She whispered, hovering over her.

Jennie slowly got into her bed, once her back touched the cushion, she relaxed finally.

Lisa turned around to face her.

"Couldn't sleep?" Lisa said in a husky voice while her eyes closed.

Butterflies in her stomach was not the only sensation Jennie was feeling.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Jennie whispered.

"You're alright honey, I was on the verge of sleeping." Lisa answered.

"I could use a blanket to help me sleep."

"Here you go." Lisa shifted around and shared the blanket with Jennie.

"Whatever happened earlier Jennie, you can talk to me about it when you're ready, I'm not here to force you, understand?"

"Yes, I understand, can you...can we..."

"Spoon? Of course, come here." Lisa finished for her and hugged her from behind.

"Not what I was going for, but this is fine also." Jennie blushed.


"Look at these two love birds." Rosé uwu-ed.

"Are they even official yet?" Jisoo asked while snapping photos of them.

Jennie heard commotions hovering above her and she opened one of her eyes to see her two friends looking at her funnily.

"What are you guys doing?" Jennie said in a state of sleep.

"I was going to wake you up for breakfast, but we found an extra body so we decided to stay." Jisoo replied.

"Hmm?" Jennie hummed.

She felt an arm around her waist tightly hugging her. Jennie's eyes shot wide open.

The other two girls laughed.

"Get out." Jennie whispered.

"Sure, we will give you guys alone time." Jisoo teased.

"Aish, get out!" The two girls ran out the room.

Jennie tried to look over her shoulders, she saw Lisa half smiled.

"Hey sleepy head." Lisa voiced out.

The caterpillars in Jennie's stomach were now butterflies. They just keep growing and growing.

"How long were you awake?" Jennie asked, facing Lisa.

"Long enough to see your two pervert friends take pictures of us." Lisa laughed.

"I'm gonna have a talk with them later."

"What are you up to today Jen?" Lisa stretched out her arms and legs yawning.

"I want to go to a special place, would you like to come?" Jennie got out the comforter and started to make the bed.

"Yeah, if it's you inviting me to a special place."

"You always do that Lisa, it's gonna get old."

"Do what?" Lisa chuckled. She turned to her side propping her head with her right hand.

"Just get out the bed," Jennie sighed.

"Should I go back to my house and wear something nice, or should I go in old clothes?"

"Do you wanna meet my mother in nice clothes or do you wanna meet my mother in old clothes?"

"Going home it is then!" Lisa left Jennie and went to have breakfast with Jisoo and Rosé, "Join us when you finish making the bed J."


"So this is where your mother is."

"Yeah, here she is." Jennie kneeled in front of the tomb. "Sit down with me."

"Hey eomonie." Lisa called.

"I saw her presence every time I came to visit her, but now she's not here." Jennie started.

"Don't you think it's because you've let her go?"

Lisa grabbed Jennie's hand.

"I was going to say that, thank you Lisa, for showing me and telling me to let go, she would've stayed forever if I didn't let her go."

"You know I'm here for you, I'm sure she is in good hands now." Lisa brought Jennie's hand up to her lips.

Jennie slowly turned her head towards Lisa and tears flowed. She couldn't hold it in any longer, Lisa pulled Jennie into her embrace.

"You'll be okay, Love, she's okay too."

"Mom, if you're listening, I want you to meet the little girl that we saved when I was younger, I found her mom, she's living well."

"I'm doing well and so is your daughter, thank you both for saving me."

Lisa patted Jennie's back until she heard her sniffles lessened.

"You okay?" Lisa asked.

"Of course, I'll be back mom," Jennie touched her mother's tomb.

"I'll be back here too eomonie." Lisa smiled and rested her arm behind Jennie's waist.


3 years later.

"Lisa, my vision is back."

Jennie told Lisa who was sitting on the couch eating breakfast.

"What?" Lisa stopped munching on her bread and looked to Jennie.

"I just felt something, when I kissed you."

"Baby, you always feel something when you kiss me, give me another one."

Jennie obliged. When her lips touched Lisa's, an image of her carrying a baby popped up.

Jennie smiled. "You're carrying a baby."

"Wait, is it for real back?" Lisa put down her bread.

"Yes, I'm looking at you two, you're in a hospital gown, I'm laying down." Jennie closes her eyes describing her surroundings.

"Don't play with me Jennie, your premonitions haven't been around since three years ago." Lisa held Jennie's hand.

"I'm for real Love, we're going to have a baby." Jennie opens her eyes and saw Lisa's smile.

"Is that all you see? I'm holding a baby? Is it a girl or boy?" Lisa pulled Jennie into her arms.

"I can't tell, maybe if I get another kiss, another vision might show up."

"Now whose being the devious one?" Lisa placed her hand below Jennie's ear, cupping her face. "What about the time huh?"

"Give me another kiss first." Jennie puckered her lips.

"As you wish."

Images of her future flowed into Jennie's mind.

"I can see blue colors, might be a boy, oh my god, Jisoo is carrying one blue colored box and Rosé is carrying two pink boxes."

"Are we having triplets?" Lisa nervously chuckled.

"I guess so, that's all for now Lisa, future is future, let's celebrate this moment now."

Jennie climbed on top of Lisa, holding her shoulders. Lisa held her waist.

"How would you like to celebrate?" Lisa asked.

Jennie leaned down for a kiss.

"My premonition is a full course meal."


Ehee, thank you Loves for reading, hope you enjoyed.

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