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Naked is indeed the second book I read.

When I was like 2 chapters from the end it was put under construction.

I do belive it is officially finished now.

I highly suggest you go read that book.

My summary.

Harry Styles is in a band, the band being Naked. No the other members are not involved as far as I know. Fae is a house keeper at some resort and stumbles into the vacationing star naked. No, literally she walks in on a naked Harry styles. Throughout the 14 days they fall in love and then there's a plot twist a serious plot twist that will forever scar the poor fandom. I highly recomeend this book!

It's a crap summary but I honestly haven't reread it...

I promise you it's a good read. so do it. Add that to your library XD

(PS The Dads gay, he's my favorite character behind harry.)

8 out of 10

4 out of 5 stars

and a READ IT!

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