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I just have to stop here to say. LENNONS A TOTAL BAD ASS!

Lenon is totally my spirit animal.

Anywho back to my point.

So this book is yet another book wher Harry is the bad ass guy in a gang. It's very very good.

Alright I'm going to make a long story short. Here's my summary.

Lennon lives in a apartment with this gay guy dom and some other chick with a asshole boyfriend. Those characters aren't so important. Well Dom is but I'm not gonna spoil anything. So basically Lennon works in a bakery and she's this average girl who dropped out of uni. She meets Harry when Harry comes to th bakery and gets a cake. Then Lennon is pulled into this crazy world of gang violence. However lennon has a dark secret that noone knows. Not even lennon. Go read it, Now. Like seriously stop reading this and go.

9 out of 10 for sure!

4.5 stars

and a MUST READ!

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