Rules - Please Read Before Posting

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Welcome, one and all, to a free Wattpad promotion space. We've all been in the situation where getting your story noticed feels like an impossible task. Maybe you've shared links on social media, asked your friends to check it out, stayed active within the community, and yet you're still not getting noticed.

There are a few rules that we need to go over in order for this space to function as intended. If everybody just posts their promotion and leaves, it won't work. This is supposed to be a space where we come together, a sort of sub-community that forges connections and spreads ideas.

As such, please check out these short and simple rules below before posting and follow them!

1. Use the Categories List - Each of the chapters of this 'book' relate to a category. You can post in all the categories that apply to your story, but please make sure that it does apply. There will be consequences for simply spamming in all the categories.

2. Stick to the Promotion Format - This may sound silly, but it's an important step for maintaining order within this promotional space. When you comment, please use this following format: title, author, genre, status, number of chapter, summary, and a link.

For example:

Title: 'Embracing Discomfort: A Guide to Taming the Anxiety Beast'
Author: Cameron Madden
Genre: Non-Fiction/Self-Help
Status: Completed
Number of Chapter: 13 - This includes chapters for a disclaimer, references, and worksheet
Summary: This book combines narrated personal annecdotes with self-help and scientific research in order to offer help to those suffering from anxiety. The techniques covered within its pages can help lower anxiety, reduce anxiety symptoms, and limit the intensity of anxiety attacks.
Link: [I couldn't add a link in this section, but it should be to the specific story and not to your author page].

3. Read ONE story from the comments - Of course you can choose to read multiple stories, but you must read at least one. Choose one that you like the sound of, read it, rate it, and leave a comment. By doing this, you allow this idea to take off. Not only that, but you will likely find that people check out your stories as a result of you engaging with other stories.

4. Rate THIS book - Again, in order to truly benefit from this free promotional space, we need to attract others to it. Rating it increases the popularity and availability of this space and allows others to notice it. Meaning that your comment is more likely to be seen and your story is more likely to be read.

Those are all of the mandatory rules, but there are additional ways you can help out. These aren't essenital, but you may feel like helping promote this idea:

-Tag others

-Share the link

-Check out my stories and leave a rate/comment (this is purely my own promotion, but you can't blame a guy for trying).

Promote your Book for Free - 2020/2021Where stories live. Discover now