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P- sleeping together (not like that u nasty)

falls asleep after u
he l i v e s for cuddling (but that's  a whole different preference)
good night & morning kisses
sleepy smiles & bed hair, (I'm just imagining how cute he would look oml)

little spoon all the way
has 100 blankets & pillows on the bed
falls asleep first
tells u how much he loves u before falling asleep
he usually/sometimes has nightmares when that does happen you'll just pull him into your arms  and play with his hair till he falls back asleep

drools x 1000
talks in his sleep
steals the blanket
falls asleep first
he moves around A LOT
so it can go from being trapped in his arms to him somehow ending up head facing the end of the bed

holds u so close to him you fell like ur gonna explODe
big spoon
falls asleep after u
always gives u a kiss before falling asleep
snores vEry loudly

hates cuddling/spooning
only does if ur feeling sad ect.
but after a lot of convincing & kisses u can make her
all she really does is draw shapes on ur exposed skin while y'all legs are tangled together
falls asleep after u
u 2 sleep facing each other

little spoon x 100000
lOves being trapped in ur arms
nose & forehead kisses
snores very lightly
but like it's all g cos it's super cute

y'all switch between big & little spoon
bed hair
(she would look so cute aswell omg)
small peck before falling asleep
very cuddly while y'all are sleeping

big spoon x 1000
loves the feeling of having u trapped in his arms
it reassures him that ur there with him and that he's * protecting* u
also loves it when u bury ur head into his neck & leave sloppy kisses
kisses the top of ur head before falling asleep

u sleep on top of him w ur head buried in his neck, ur legs tangled together and one of his arms hugging ur torso

hates this position at first but now he can't sleep any other way
u become the big spoon when he has a fight w his dad tho
snore & drools
a light sleeper so he'll probably wake up like five times a night waking u up two

hi fuckers sorry for not updating in so long & also U might have noticed I've removed Nancy & Jonathan since I don't have any inspo for them anymore

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