The Victim

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Everyone's eyes were fixed on Reid, confused. 

"Spencer, you know him?". Morgan asked after a moment of silence. Spencer didn't respond, he was still in shock as he watched the frozen tv screen. "Spencer!". Spencer shook his head in shock, looking over to Morgan. "Huh?".

"I said, do you know him?". Morgan gave him a concerning look. That's when Reid realised what happened, everyone was looking at him, he freaked out the moment he saw the Tv, 'shit'. Not knowing what to do, he looked at every member of his team trying to figure out how he was going to explain his freak out without them knowing the truth. "Uhh - I -umm".  Reid stuttered. 


"He umm - I - umm...". 

"Get it out, Spencer". Morgan snapped. 

"I know him - umm - from the coffee shop near mine - he's umm - a - umm - regular there". Reid said scratching his head before tucking his long brown hair behind his ear. "That's it?". Morgan didn't know whether to believe him or not, Hotch certainly didn't.

"Hmm hmm". Reid agreed with a series of hums as he nodded his head. Reid paced mildly questioning what to do first, clean up the coffee or pick up the fallen chair. he grabs some tissues from the box that was situated in the middle of the table, quickly wiping up the spilled coffee, before picking up his chair. Everyone looked at one another, questioning Reid's previous actions. Reid quickly sat down, pulling in his chair. "So he's a friend of yours?". It was Rossi's turn to question the young genius. 

"No - um - just someone I've gotten to know from going to the cafe". Rossi gave him a confused stare. Hotch wasn't convinced, still standing at the head of the table, profiling the young doctor. Spencer gave a small, awkward smile. 

"Right". Hotch coughed. "What do you know about him". Aiming his question at Reid. 

"Nothing really par his name". Spencer lied. "Kento, Kento Takahiro". 

"Garcia can you run a background check". Hotch demanded. 

"I certainly can boss". Garcia went to work on her laptop, the quirky tech analyst went to work. Her fingers working quickly across the keyboard, eyes fluttering back and forth as she made work. The team switched their gaze between the blonde analyst and the tall genius. Spencer made sure not to avoid eye contact, one the biggest giveaways for when someone is lying. Instead, he looked back at them giving them all a small smile.  

"Found him!". Garcia declared. 

"And?". Asked Emily. 

"Kento Takahiro, born May 3rd, 1989 in Osaka, Japan. Son to divorced parents, Daichi Takahiro and Akiara Hamamoto. Married 1976 and divorcing in 2001. They had their first son in 1984...". 

"Wait, Kento has a brother?". Morgan asked. Garcia nods her head. "What's his name?". 

"Shouta Takahiro, born 19th January 1984". 

"Get me his number".  Garcia nodded.

"Sent to you're phone sir". Taking out his phone, Hotch began to call Shouta. The phone continues to ring but there is no answer. "Garcia, keep trying". Hotch handed over the job to Garcia. 

"Will do sir". Garcia did just that. 

Spencer did too, reaching his coat pocket grabbing out his phone before slipping into the pocket of his trousers. He stood up and heading towards the door. "Where you going?". Morgan questioned. 

"To the toilet". Reid with his thumb. "Sorry, do I need permission". Giving a false laugh. Morgan just shook his head, watching as Reid left the briefing room. 

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