The Truth

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Upon hearing the name, a pit fell in Reid's stomach and pain struck his head as if he'd been hit with a hammer. Alex, please! Don't do this! Reid's heart starting to race at what felt like 100mph, his chest tightened and breathing became a whole lot harder. His dirty blonde hair hung loosely around his face, falling just above his eyes as he smiled a sinister smile, baring his teeth as he stood over my wimp body. 

Reid grabbed his chest, as breathing growing more and more rapid. Once again, Reid quickly covers his mouth with his hands and makes a swift exit; running towards the toilets. Everyone's gaze follows Reid as he runs out. "Spence?". JJ called after him, but he didn't hear her. Shouta quickly runs out after Reid, ignoring the calls for his name as he leaves the roundtable room. 

Spencer crashed into one of the stalls, door slamming against the wall as he fell to his knees, vomiting violently. He retched, forcing every last thing that was in his stomach (mainly coffee) into the toilet. His stomach tightened and contracted as he carried on throwing up, long after everything left his system. Alex's face raced through his mind, always the same, always his creepy, haunting smile. Freak! Filth!  Reid tried to breathe, but his heart wouldn't slow down and it won't, not with that man's face racing through his mind. A sharp pain shot through his skull, feeling as if it was going to explode under the pressure. Alex why are you doing this to me! I beg of you please don't! Memories just kept flashing through, Reid scrunched up his eyes trying to ignore them, ignore his face, his voice, his touch. All of a sudden, it stopped. The pain that was left, radiated throughout his body. His head felt as if it was going to explode, his arms and legs felt like jelly and his stomach, his stomach screamed in pain as it felt as if someone lit a fire inside him. 

When the pain finally dialed down, shuffling his legs from underneath him, moving position so he was seated on his butt. Taking in a deep breath as tears stung the back of his eyes, he wanted nothing more to then cry, someone he cares about is currently being held captive, and for all, he knew he was dead. And that man, the man who was the center of all his nightmares, the reason why sleep has been nothing but non-existent, the reason why he has lived in nothing but fear, alone, for the past 4 years. Has him. 

Reid stayed seated on the cold bathroom tiles, legs curled up, pressing against his chest as the tears ran freely down his pale, white face. As he sat there sobbing - quietly - he didn't realise the entire time Shouta had been standing just on the other side of the door, listening. He waited a moment longer, giving Reid some time to compose himself. Within the minute Reid emerges from the toilet, red-eyed, pale and wet-faced. "Are you okay?". Shouta asked softly. Reid's reply was nothing but a simple shake of his head. He walked over to the sink, Shouta stepping aside as Reid turns the water on, splashing his face and rinsing out the vile taste sitting in his mouth. The water was cold on his burning skin, clearing away the stains left by his tears and shocking his senses back. Spencer rubbed his face as he turned to lean against the sink. "I've really messed up this time". Spencer's voice was broken and husky. 

"What do you mean?". Shouta did the same, leaning against the sink, parallel to Spencer. 

"I can't keep doing this anymore Sho, I can't". Reid rested his hands on his lower face, staring straight ahead "Why him?". Reid turned to look at his friend. "Why does it have to be him?".

"You need to tell the team the truth now Spence!". Shouta said calmly, he couldn't have Spencer closing him out now, he needs him, they need to find Kento.

"Are you crazy?!". Reid suddenly shot round, eyes bulging and filled with fear. "Please tell me that was a joke?". 

"I'm not joking Spence, they need to know the truth!". 

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