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"Hey there kitten" an older man said to before I could say anything "hello what drink would you like to order" I asked with a fake smile to the man "anything you like" he said winking at me "okay then" I said and I walked to the bar to get his drink.

"Hey MingMei" Ten said to me as I approached him at the bar "hey can I have a glass of scotch" I asked him "yeah" he said and got it

Ten is my best friend. He's been there for me my whole life. When I was in high school a rumor was spreading that I slept with many guys of course it was false. To be completely honest to this day I'm still a virgin. My parents found out and didn't believe me they called me a slut and an embarrassment so they kicked me out of the house and Ten being an angel gave me a home with him. Ten's step dad owns the club I now work at.

"Here" Ten said as he gave me the glass. "Thanks" I said as I took it and walked to older man who was waiting "here you go sir" I said as I put it on the table in front of him but he didn't notice me since he was looking at the women dancing in front of him "oh uh thanks" he said and I walked off back to Ten since I served everyone in my section

"Johnny I don't think I wanna go to this place" Mark said to the older "it'll be alright I heard going here is a good place to get over someone" Johnny said "but Mark wasn't even in a relationship with that girl in the first place" Yuta said "exactly he'll needs to get over that silly little crush of his" Johnny said "silly little crush" Mark muttered "yeah you like Taehyong's sister and she's married" Haechan said from the back seat of the car "fine" Mark gave in he admits liking his friends sister that is married is ridiculous.

"Hey MingMei is it just me or do those guys look younger than every other guy here" Ten said to me as I looked at who entered the building "oh yeah they do look young" I said "maybe their lost" I said "probably go ask them if they need anything" Ten said "why me" I said "because maybe you can get one of their numbers their kinda hot and so are you" he said "shut up" I said and I walked to them

"Hey can I help you guys" I said to the young men "yeah can we have a table please" the tall man said "sure follow me" I said as I led them to a table "anything you want to drink" I asked them and I took their order until I got to the last one. He was different. He caught my attention. "W-what would you like" I said damn it why did I stutter "I'll get a-anything" he said why did he also stutter "oh okay I'll be right back with your drinks" I said and walked off

"Yo she's hot" Doyoung said "yeah ask her what her name is" Taeil said "and her number" Jungwoo added "Mark you ask her" Jaehyun said "why not you" Mark said "because she clearly like's you she even stuttered when she talked to you" Johnny said "what if she was just tired" Mark said "she doesn't look tired to me" Yuta said "yeah just do it" Doyoung said "shut up she's coming" Taeyong said

"here you go" I said as I handed them their drinks each one said thank you I handed the last boy his drink and his hand glided across mine I turned alittle red but I shook it off not wanting to get noticed "enjoy if you need anything I'll be over there" I said pointing to Ten's direction and they nodded

"Soo what did they say" Ten asked me "nothing it's the usual what do you expect" I said "damn maybe for once you should get a boyfriend I mean they look nice" he said "if there here that's not good" I said "good point but their hot come on" he said "what-" I was cut off "one of them is coming" he said and I turned around to see the boy "h-hey" he said "hi" I answered "my names Mark what's your name" he said "I can't give out my na-" I was cut off yet again "her name is MingMei" Ten said from in back of me "oh okay" he said while rubbing the back of his neck "well MingMei I think your really pretty and I don't do this much but can I have your number....please" he asked shyly. Who would say no to this boy. "Y-yeah sure Mark" I said and I put my number on his phone "thanks I-I'll call you" he said and walked back to his table.

Moments before
"Mark hurry up and go" Yuta said pushing him "what if she says no" Mark protested "you'll probably never see her again" Taeyong said "what if that guy with her is her boyfriend" Mark said "you can take her from from him" Taeil said "what if he wants to fight me" Mark said "I have my phone to record" Haechan said "just go if not your walking home" Johnny said "fine" Mark gave in what does he have to loose now right his dignity

Hours passed now I am laying in bed waiting for sleep to take me but it just can't when I'm thinking. Is that Mark guy interested in me or is this a dare. Why do I care so much. Ten's right he is hot. What am I thinking about. He just wants to be friends that all just friends. I lied to myself just so I could try to move on and sleep it took hours to convince my self but I still got sleep which is a plus in my book.

Hello beautiful it's a slow start but it'll get better I promise bye💜💜💜

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