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Most of you know this and some of you don't know. How to pay for coins? Where is that option? I can't see it! What do you use to buy coins?

First of all, there is this thing called wallet. The wallet appears like this:

 The wallet appears like this:

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Ignore my cropping skills. Graphic design is my passion, after all.

This wallet is present at the top of your profile page:

This wallet is present at the top of your profile page:

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Click on the wallet and you'll be taken to this page:

Select whichever coins pack you want and then, buy it

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Select whichever coins pack you want and then, buy it. You need to use your credit/debit card.

After buying coins, go to the paid story you wanted to read and use coins to unlock the paid chapters.

After buying coins, go to the paid story you wanted to read and use coins to unlock the paid chapters

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Each time you unlock a chapter, three coins are deducted aka to read one chapter, you need 3 coins.

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