Chapter 4: This Can NOT be the Farewell...

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Simon didn't know what to do, he'd never expected this to happen especially to Alvin... The only thing he could do was taking off his sweatshirt and place it upon the injuries to stop the bleeding... Helplessly holding the injured brother and pray for him to survive until someone comes and helps them...

"No... no wonder why... they call it... The Dark Demise..."

A soar voice spoke in the darkness, Simon saw a little sparkly blue eyes staring at him; Alvin looked to his brother even though it was dark to see anything...

Simon: What did you say?

Alvin: *Soar and weak voice* I said... This place called... The Dark Demise because... The predators are... Everywhere and... Due to the long... Tress it's too dark... Especially at night *weak cough*

Simon: *Watery eyes* Alvin... You'll be fine... Right?

Alvin: *weaker voice* I ain't lying... I am not quite sure... But I'll try to hang on if...

Simon: If what?

Alvin: *Weak whisper* If you answered me...

Simon: Anything...

Alvin: Do you really want me dead? Do you really hate me?

Simon knew that his brother was hurt when he said that he wanted him dead...

Simon: *Silent cry* No... I didn't mean to... I was very angry at you... But I just didn't want this to be real... Even though you make troubles and hate the serious work... I still love you, Alvin... You're my elder brother... What can I ever do with you not around?... Please Alvin I just don't wanna...

The sad one felt a cold hand on his cheek; Alvin weakly tried to wipe the tears.

Alvin: I just asked, Simon... I'll try to hold on... But If I weren't strong enough...

Simon: You WILL survive... I am sure about this! You are Alvin Seville... The strongest and the bravest chipmunks ever... You can't just give up and let go...

Alvin: *Slowly grabbed Simon's hand* Listen to me... If I couldn't-... *Cough* I want you to take care of Theodor and tell them all I...

Simon: Tell them what?

Alvin: *Silence*

Simon looked at his brother, he wasn't moving and barely letting out weak breaths... He was now scared; Alvin can't just go like this!

Simon: *Shaking Alvin* ALVIN WAKE UP!

Alvin: *Weak Whisper* Tell them... I am... so... sorry...

Simon: Alvin... *Tears and sobs*

Alvin: I... weren't ... that... strong... g...guy I... used to... be p... p... proud of... I... can... not... do... it...


Alvin: This is... the end... of... the... line...


Alvin: Goodbye... Little brother... *Close eyes*

Simon started sobbing louder, calling Alvin again and again... For a desperate hope to keep him alive... The limb body got colder now, his chest didn't move to breath, his heartbeat was slow that it was too hard to be felt...

Simon kept crying for Alvin, calling his name, praying for him to survive, praying to be rescued in time and hoping to see his eyes and hear his voice while singing together...

- Alvin's POV -

The world around me turned dark, my body was numb and I couldn't even open my eyes... I didn't like giving up like this, but death got me then. I couldn't resist... I have bled to death and it was a matter of a few seconds or minutes before I leave my family and my fans and pass away... Before I lose consciousness, I was aware that Simon was crying, desperately shaking me and calling my name... He didn't want this to happen... It was my fault and I was paying the price for it... I just hoped if someone could find him and get him safe to home after I die... Though he wouldn't be the same chipmunk I always knew... I lost my awareness... I said my final goodbye before I feel my heart stopped...

Oh dear... My heart hurt me when I wrote this...

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