chapter 2- First Day

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No one pov

"What do you mean by don't know?"

The brunette question,the frown still intact on his face. The albino simply just look at the side and sigh once again. It's hard for him to explain and he doesn't have time for that.

"I'm sorry tsuna but our time is running out,what I want you to remember is....every choice you make will have consequence whether it's bad or not I don't know...but do think twice or thrice when making a choice, that's all."

The albino said with a serious face,and his eyes open a little. Showing how serious he is. Tsuna mind can't comprehend all of this at once,it to sudden for him and it hard for him to understand what the albino said. Consequence at every choice he make? What does that suppose to mean?. His mind is full of question and he wanted answer,now.

Just as the brunette about to asked the albino some question that been inside his head for a while now. A bright light suddenly shone and the brunette in instinct close his eyes and shielded his upper face using both of his arms.

"I wish you good luck decimo"

Is the last word he heard from the albino before the darkness came and fetch him.


Tsuna woke up with groan,he rub the back of his head and could feel a bump on it. He hiss as his finger make contact with the bump, it's hurt. He blink his twice to adjust his vision before he looked around,scanning the place up and down. He's at....the middle of a forest?

He sit up and look around once more, there's many trees surrounded him and many flowers here and there. Then suddenly he could heard a 'ding' noise and blue screen appear Infront of him. What?

Welcome Sawada Tsunayoshi.

The screen said,tsuna blink his eyes thrice at this. How does this screen know his name? Another 'ding' could be heard.

Something dangerous is coming



The screen wrote, as if on cue a big black bear come out of some bushes and dash to the still confuse brunette. What the hell is happening?!. Tsuna take a step back and in his fighting stance. He try to summon his sky flame but.......nothing. he can't summon it. He blink his eyes thrice at this. 'What the--?!'Than another ding could be heard. He look up to he screen and his eyes widen even more if it possible.

You can't activate your flame without choosing between the option.



Is what written on the screen. His jaw drop to the ground in disbelief.


The Bear roar and tsuna dodge the bear and climb up a tree that thankfully just behind him. He jump up and look down to the bear that try to reach him. He sigh in relief and relax his body. Thinking that he's out of the problem after the bear is tired of him. But that's where he's wrong.

Suddenly a scream of a child could be heard and tsuna immediately turn his head toward the source of the voice. There he see 2 children is running away from the bear that charging toward them. He look down to see no bear there. He 'tch' in annoyance. He turn to the screen that still in his sight and push 'yes'. Surprisingly his finger didn't go through the screen.



Proceed with the option?


An orange flame appear on his forehead and both of his hands. Without wasting anymore time,he flew toward the bear and push it to the side using his shoulder,he stand Infront of the kids in his fighting stance. His eyes narrow dangerously toward the bear that already baring it sharp teeth and charge at them once again.

A minute after and tsuna found himself panting and the bear laid on the ground, unconscious. He take it as his chance to took both the kids and flee from there. He jump from tree to tree using his free hand to lift him using his sky flame. Thinking that's they already quite far away from the bear or any danger the brunette stop and put the kids down. Both the kids look at the brunette with admiration in their eyes. Their eyes literally sparkle with their mouth wide open.

"Thank you mister!"

Both the kids shout at the same time while bowing their head in thanks. The brunette wave it off and crouch down to the kids level.

"What were you guys doing in the forest?"

Tsuna asked with a little frown. It's dangerous for kids like them to wonder around the forest without any adult watching. If he wasn't there just now the kids could be dead in a second.

"We were picking some berries for our grandma!"

One of the kids said while lifting the basket he has in hand, showing the brunette what inside the basket. And it's indeed full of berries. Tsuna sigh and let a small smile adorned his face.

"Well better be careful next time yeah?"

As he ruffle both of their hair making them giggle. The brunette stood up,looking around. He has no idea what to do next. And as if the kids read his mind both of the kids tug his hands and lead him out of the forest.

"Let's go meet granny!"

They both said with a giggle making the brunette to softly smile,letting them tugging him. He got no idea where to go so why not just follow the kids?

And that's how he start his first day in this unknown world he been transferred to.
.I'm sorry if there's a wrong grammar and I hope you enjoy 😊

A/N: and since many of you guys said yes, here's the second chapter!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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