The First Year of Trouble part 1

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Blake eventually gave up fighting and starts crying in Sid's shoulder quietly. Sid feels the tears and starts to rub his back to comfort him.

"It's ok," Sid whispers to him, "Your safe with me."



I pick up the kid and nod my good byes as I take him home. While I was walking the star child falls asleep in my arms and sleep all the way there. Finally we reach home and I set him down to wake him up. 

"Hay we're home." I says opening the door, holding his hand. The kid jerks his hand away and sniffs the air in side the house. he then looks up at me questionably. "Go on." I say pointing inside. He looks back at the door and slowly walks in, looking in with extreme caution. Watching him go through the door way I start to walk in shutting the door behind me. When the door had shut it made a loud bang; making the kid jump and turn around towards the door, eyes wide. He backed up till he hit the wall, sliding down to the floor crying.

"It's ok, your safe," I say walking over and kneeling in front of him. " I'm not going to hurt you." I reach out for him only for him to smack my hand away. "Your safe," I say again trying to calm him down as much as posable. I reach out again, managing to run my fingers through his hair. At contact he jumps slightly away from me. Slowly he moves back to ware my hand was hovering. Resting my hand back on his head he relaxes, setting his head on his knees that were curled up into his chest. After a few seconds he was back asleep. I pick him up and carry him to the only room in the house, mine, I set him on my bed tucking him into the blankets gently, as if he was a porcelain doll. I grab one of the four pillows and leave the room to take a nap on the couch. As I get to the door I take one last glance at the young boy before turning off the light, leaving the door open a sliver. Once I leave the room and get to the living room, I plop my self down on the couch already feeling exhausted. Looking at the clock, "It's only 11:00, UGH" I say as I roll on to my side, dosing of into sleep.

Blake's POV

"Its dark, were am I?" I think to myself. "Hello!...Is anyone there?!"  After yelling that, there was a shuffling noise behind me. I turn around, my heart beading really fast," HELLO?!" More shuffling and I start backing up tripping over something. Not catching myself I ended up landing in a pool of some kind of liquid. I sit up and look down at what I fell in. Its was clear, was it water? I put my hand in what I'm guessing is water. Once I touch the water it starts to ripple out in to blood. I jump upward and back with a yelp. With the ripple came light and not the good kind. Fire spread all around me, I could see my whole family lying lifeless. I look through all the bodies of my family looking for at lest one survivor. There was a grunt behind me and I flung around to see my mother slowly getting up. "Momma?" I whispered, not sure if it was actually her. Once I saw the blue hair I knew it was her. "MOMMA!" I shout running towards her. She looked at me and opened her mouth to say something but before she could a silhouette of a man, stabs her through her chest. She starts coughing up blood and all I could do was stand there, frozen. "Momma,.....MoMmA.." I close my eyes and shout again starting to run. "MAMMA!"

Sid's POV

"MAMMA!" Upon hearing this I jump up from my spot on the couch and run to my room were the kid is. Once there I fling the door open flicking on the light switch. I look in the room for any threat to see the star child was sitting up shaking and sweating, looking forward horrified. I relax and walk towards the bed sitting next to him. As I do that he jumps up and try's to run but before he could I grab hold of his arm pulling him into my chest. He starts to push and fight against me eventually giving up breathing heavily. Running my fingers through his hair he starts to calm. About half an hour later I could feel him drift of into sleep. Not long after I lade him and I down deciding to stay next to him for the night. Morning came around, the sun shinning through the small bedroom window. Blinking my eyes a couple of times before I got used to the light. Looking out I admire the blue, cloudless sky as I stretch about ready to get up. Getting up I feel a weight on my chest. Looking down I see the kid sprawled out on his stomach. His right arm is streached out across my lower rib cage, his head on my chest. Trying to move my right arm I find that he had wrapped his left arm under and around mine. he was lightly snoring, drool dripping from the corner of his mouth. I look at him and shake my head giving a small chuckle. I slide my arm out from the kids grip, gently move his head and arm of me. Trying not to wake him I get up and head to the kitchen to start making breakfast. 20 minuets later I hear him jump out of bed and I see him slowly peak his head around the corner. I see him sniff the air, clinging to the wall he started to walk down the hall still sniff the air every step. At the end of the hall across from the front door where he can clearly see the kitchen he stops. I watch him look around from the living room to the kitchen and then the door. Once his eyes hit the door I can see the tension build up in his shoulders. Before he could make up his mind whether to run for it or not; I set a plate of eggs, bacon, and French toast on the counter with a glass of milk. Doing so, I see him jump and turn his head towards me now looking at the plate of food.

"You hungry?" I asked. He looks at me then back at the food. "It's ok, come on." Still looking back and forth between me and the food he starts walking cautiously towards the kitchen. Once he gets to the counter he slowly slides in to the seat in front of the food, squirming he takes a few sniffs then licks his lips. I watch him do his thing tell he settled down in his seat, then I turn around to grab my plate. In the corner of my eye I see him tens up again, seconds later, relaxes. I turn back around with my food in hand, still watching him as he stairs at his food hesitantly reaching for the fork next to the plate. Once he had it in his fingers he pushed the eggs around the edges of the plate nearly sending them to the table. Finally satisfied with his work he goes to takes a bite, eyeing me the whole time. As the fork lingered in front of his mouth, I take a bite of my own eggs. Once the eggs were in my mouth and I had swallowed, he scarfed everything down. My eyes widened as he pushed his plate toward me in the suggestion of wanting more. Grabbing his plate I slide my own in front of him. 'If I had known he was going to be this hungry I would have made more' I thought bewildered. The fork still laced with in his fingers, he gave me an adorable grin that reach from one ear to the next.

"So are you going to talk to me yet?" I ask as he started to eat his second serving more normal then the first. He just looked up at me then at his food and kept eating. "ok, this is not going to work. I need you to talk to me" I say, pulling the plate away from him. In doing so he looked at me confused and annoyed. I watch him open his mouth to say something then close it in the sense of not knowing how to vocalic it. "Can you talk?" As I ask this, he again opens his mouth to say something and shuts it in irritation. Then announces something in what sound like gibberish. At first I was confused then it had hit me. "O my gosh, you don't speak English."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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