The Beginning...part 1

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Normal POV

It was dark and a storm just hit. The rain was hitting the ruff of the hut like never before. Draco was still not back from hunting. Renee was starting to get worried and Blake was getting hungry. So she started to head out when she saw Draco. He was walking up to the hut with food; souls. Souls of many innocent people.

"Sorry I'm late, got dinner" Draco says walking through the door, lifting the bag of souls. Blake runs and jumps as high as he could to grab the bag. "Wait a minute little man" Draco chuckles. "What do you think your doing?"

"I'm hungry!" Blake shouts.

Renee grabs Blake and brings him to the table. She then grabs one of the souls and puts it in front of him. He eagerly jumps up to grab it, then stop inches away. He slowly turns his head to his mother and sits back down.

"Can I have it now mommy?" Blake asks impatiently with a small smile.

"No, Draco slightly shouts. His smile drops as he slides down in his seat in disappointment. Draco started laughing, Blake looks up slowly with a sad expression that is now turned to frustration and confusion. "Go ahead," he says still laughing.

Blake jumps up and grabs the soul stuffing it in his mouth like he hadn't eaten in days. Suddenly Draco hears yelling outside. He runs to see what was going on. As he steps out the door and looks, he sees people attacking his clan. The huts were on fire and his clan was being killed.

"What's going on?" Asked Renee, Draco runs inside grabs Blake and shoves him into Renee's arms

"Run" Draco said with worrie all in his tone. "Out the back".

Doing as instructed Renee turns around to run and as she does the hut catches fire. Every thing is falling apart and the red flames just kept rising. Renee is now out the back and runs till she got to the edge of the forest. She sets Blake down by a tall, thick tree. She then looks back looking for Draco thinking he had fallowed but he was no were. So she spins her head back toward Blake and kneels down in front of him. Grabs him by both arms, looks at him and whispers ,"dont move and stay hidden, ok?" Blake replys with a simple nod. Renee hugs him tight let's go and runs back to the burning hut. Leaving him alone on the edge of the forest. He sits, waiting for his mother. The hut had fallen to the ground, most of the ruff had collapsed and the top right half of the hut was gone. As the fire was going out it got quieter. The shouting had stopped and the sound of things burning dwindled. All you could hear was a sound Blake was not familiar with. It was a low growl. Renee hadn't come back he was getting scared. So he stood up and walked up and around his now burnt down hut. What he saw around the corner changed him, scared him. The whole clans was dead. Things were still on fire, the body's of friends, aunts, uncles, cousins, even his father Draco. His mother Renee lay next to him. Blake started to walk backwards slowly, feeling though his body just got ten times heavier. He turns around to run back, but as he turns he ran in to someone. He was tall, black hair, dark skin and had weapons and tattoos all over him. Blake pushes him away and tries to run around the man but he grabs him and threw him over his shoulder. Blake starts to kick, scream and punch, fighting to be set free from his grasp. The man just ignores him and walks to a big metal box with what Blake was guessing were wheels. There was two other men standing there. They also had a lot of weapons. One was really tall, he had stitches all over and was wearing a white long coat, this is Stine. The other one was shorter, had red hair and was wearing a gray shirt with black pants, he is known as Spirt.

"Hay",the man with a lot of tattoos shouted as he throws Blake to the ground at the two men's feet. "I found him by the last hut closest to the forest. What do I do with him?"

Blake sat up and looked up at the men angrily, tears rolling down his face. The man with stitches looked down at the small child, pulled out his gun and pointed it directly at his head.

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