Kiribaku (S)

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2280-ish words

Kirishima is bottom in this (and always will be, sorry-), and for some context: Kirishima is a well known model, Bakugo usually doesn't give a shit about that kind of thing, but he found Kirishima really attractive and couldn't help himself.

''F*ck...'' Bakugo said, out of breath. He looked down at his hand, which was covered in a "white substance".  He never intended to do this.  He was fine with the fact that he found Kirishima stupidly attractive and that he had a whole folder of just photos of him on Instagram. Of course he wouldn't tell anyone that, but he promised he'd never "pleasure himself" to photos of him after his friend asked if anyone had ever done that. But, I suppose things just happen.

It wasn't just any photo that sent him over the edge, he was scrolling through Instagram and saw an add for Kirishima modelling a lingerie line. There was an image of him in what looked like red lacy lingerie, but the bottom half of his body was covered up but the text. Which was probably good.

Bakugo went to the bathroom and cleaned up, questioning how his life got to this point.

''KATSUKI!'' His mother called from the other room, already sounding annoyed. ''WHAT?!'' Bakugo yelled back, just wanting to calm down after all that.  ''COME HERE!'' She yelled, getting more angry by the second.  ''ALRIGHT GIVE ME A DAMN SECOND!''  Bakugo yelled back, washing his hands very thoroughly then splashing cold water on his face to get it less red.

He angrily made his way to the kitchen, where his mom was enjoying a cup off coffee. He huffed before speaking; ''What?'' He really just wanted to get this over with.  ''I'll be helping direct some modelling tomorrow, and I want you to come.'' Mitsuki (sorry if I got it wrong---) explained, taking a sip of her coffee.  Bakugo stared at her like she was crazy for a few seconds.  ''..What? Why the hell would I need to see that?''  ''Because you claim I don't do shit at work, so you're going to come see that I do. And who knows, maybe this'll inspire you to actually put in effort at your job ''   She said, giving him a look that said if he didn't he'd be in for much worse than going through that, and that if he said anything to what she just commented on he'd have a nice smack to the head.  ''Fine.'' Bakugo groaned, not at all enjoying where this was going.

The next day at about 4:00, they headed out to Mitsuki's work place. They got inside, and there was a green screen, a few props, and a few other props that looked... a little strange, and several other people. He just stood in the back, not wanting to socialize at all. One of the workers seemed to noticed him though, ''Uh.. Mrs Bakugo?'' He questioned.  ''Hm?''  ''Is that your son..?'' He questioned, looking at her a little skeptically. ''Yes?'' She questioned.  ''Is he 18?  This is an 18+ photo shoot...''  ''What the f*ck?'' Bakugo thought. She had brought him to an 18+ photo shoot!?   ''I'm 19.'' He stated, already more annoyed. ''Ah, alright. just to make sure, sign this. It says you're consenting to anything you see, and this was of your own free will.''  Bakugo huffed, but took the pen and signed it.  ''Well I was dragged here so I can't agree to the last part.'' He mumbled.  

''Katsuki, would you mind going and seeing if the model is ready?'' Mitsuki smiled an annoyed smile.  ''WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO DO IT!? IT'S YOUR JOB!'' He yelled glaring at her. She hit him on the head, ''Yeah well, it'll get us out of here sooner!'' She yelled back.  ''DON'T HIT ME HAG!''  ''KATSUKI IF YOU DON'T LISTEN TO ME I'LL DO IT AGAIN!'' ''FINE.'' Bakugo stomped off to the dressing room to get his mom's client, if that's the right word.

He just opened the door, not really caring.  ''Hey, the photographers told me to let you know they're ready whenever you---'' Bakugo froze.  Standing in front of him, was a model who was currently fixing his hair, wearing red and black lingerie. And it wasn't just anyone, it was Kirishima, and he currently had his hair in a ponytail. (aka adorable).  ''I-I... um...'' He had no idea what to say. He didn't mean to, but his eyes scanned up and down Kirishima's body, checking him out.  ''Oh uh.. thanks''  Kirishima said with a smile.  ''Oh, and you don't have to hide the fact that you're checking me out, it happens more than I'm comfortable with.'' He said rather bluntly.  ''I'M NOT!'' Bakugo slammed the door, going over to the wall, hiding his face.

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