ShinKami (S)

528 7 0

Word Count: 2400

Denki was bisexual. He knew he was bisexual, but he just tended to lean more towards girls. But he met a special someone, who wasn't a girl, and who he fell madly in love with.

His name was Hitoshi Shinso, and they were currently walking down the street together, hand in hand.

''Kaminari?'' the two boys heard a female voice say. Denki turned his head but Shinso couldn't care less.  ''Oh! Hey!'' Denki replied smiling widely, stopping to talk to the girl. Making Shinso stop as well.  Since they already stopped Shinso took the chance to look at who this girl was.

She looked typical, not that anyone in this world really looked "typical". Short brown hair that was longer in the front than it was in the back, hazel eyes, she was tall for a girl but still shorter than them. Had he seen her around UA before? Maybe. He hadn't really cared to notice.

''How have you been?'' the girl asked. ''I've been great! how about you?'' Denki responded, keeping his hand intertwined with Shinso's. ''I've been kind of sick recently but other than that I've been pretty good,''

They continued to talk for a good few minutes before Shinso finally asked; ''So.. how do you two know each other?'' with a minority annoyed look on his face.  ''She used to help me study sometimes, when I was struggling with English'' Shinso's energetic boyfriend explained with a big smile.  ''Speaking of which, you've been keeping up with your grades?'' she asked, clearly mostly joking.  Denki laughed, ''Yes. I have.''   ''No not really'' Shinso dead-panned.   ''Shin!! I've been getting better!'' his boyfriend whined, Shinso just looked away with a little smirk.

The girl's eyes traced down to their hands, which were still holding each other. after a few seconds she let out a tiny gasp,  ''Are you dating?!'' she seemed more exited than surprised..? ''Yep,'' Denki smiled, holding their hands up proudly for a few seconds before bringing Shinso's to his face and kissing it. Shinso just shot him a look that basically said "really? now?" Kaminari just gave him a sly smile.

''That's so sweet! A bit of a surprise though, I always thought you were straight.'' the girl said, giving Kaminari a look, asking for an answer to that. ''Nope, I'm bi. I just generally lean more towards girls.'' The little electric boy explained. Shinso didn't like that statement... he knew it was true, and it was ok if he preferred girls. It just make him feel like Kaminari didn't love him as much as he claims to, and that he'd love him more if he was a girl... They had talked about that a while ago when Shinso started getting insecure about it, Denki expained things, not very well, but since Shinso learned to speak adorable-dumbass from his time with Kaminari he understood, and felt better.

''Ohhh alright,'' the girl said satisfied at getting an answer.  ''Though, now that I think about it.. there's something I lean more towards than girls'' Denki said, looking like he was thinking. Shinso and the girl gave him a questioning look, both curious what he meant.  ''What?'' the girl asked breaking the few seconds of silence.  ''Shinso~'' Denki sighed as he hugged his emo boyfriend's arm and leaned his head on his shoulder. Shinso turned rather red.  ''K-Kami please we're in public.''   ''And?'' Kaminari said nuzzling up to him.

''Aww,'' the girl said smiling at the two. ''Well I'll let you two go, it was nice catching up with you though!''  ''You too, see you around El!'' Kaminari said, waving to her as she walked off.

The two continued to walk to the UA dorms,  mostly in silence just admiring the view. but when the got to the doors Denki broke the silence.  ''Hey Shin? Can we go to my room and talk for a minute?'' Shinso looked over at his boyfriend, he didn't wear his usual smile but more of a slightly concerned one. Shinso gave him a questioning look, but responded ''Sure?''

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