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||Louis' P.O.V||

"Yaser did you get the transfer papers yet?" Mum asked as I set my empty bowl in the sink. All the boys were still sleeping considering how early it is.

"Yes, the school said for me to drop them off and they'll mail the rest of the files"

"For what" I asked confused

"Zayn's transfer papers so he'll be able to go to school here." Mum replied as I nodded and grabbed my car keys.

"Tell the boys I'm gonna take them out tonight. I'll be home by 6:00" I yelled before leaving for work. I know Zayn isn't comfortable around us just yet so I decided on going out all five of us tonight. Hopefully this will break the ice.

||Zayn's P.O.V||

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed, the memories of last night flooding in. Stupid Zayn! You shouldn't have slept. What are they going to think? Are they going to tell their parents? I began asking myself as someone opened the door.

"Hey buddy how ya feeling" Niall asked sitting besides me.

"Better" I lied, like always.

"Good" he grinned "mum left us breakfast so why don't you join us?" He asked smiling again. I nodded slowly. I really don't want to face everyone after what happened last night. They'll probably put me up for adoption. Nobody wants me.

"Okay I'll be right down just gotta brush my teeth" he nodded and left why I grabbed the only bag I have and walked slowly towards the bathroom. I accidentally bumped into Harry's shoulder on my way there. "I'm-m so s-sorry" I found myself stuttering as I looked up at his towering figure.

"Hey calm down mate" Harry smiled helping me up. "Are you okay?" He asked shocking me.

"Um yeah" I replied looking down

"Lighten up mate" Harry smiled nudging me a bit. I faked a smile back as he walked down the stairs. I walked into the bathroom turning on the light to revel the hideous reflection of my face in the mirror.

**triger warning**

I must scare a lot of little kids with my ugly face. I set my bag down and pulled out my tooth brush. I brushed my teeth quickly and checked to see if the door was locked. I looked at my wrist biting my lip. I pulled out my razor but began having second thoughts.

I can't, not here. No matter how worthless I am. I'll just have to wait until they get rid of me. I know they will, they were my last hope after none of my other aunts, uncles and grandparents didn't want me.

I put the razor back in my bag and secured my bracelets to hide my ugly scars. I left the bathroom and set my bag in Harry's room. I walked down the stairs slowly and was greeted by Liam. "Hey Zayn how'd you sleep?" He asked leading me to the kitchen table.

"Great" I lied spreading a fake smile on my face. The truth is that I had horriable sleep after that nightmare, I just kept on thinking about him coming back and hurting me. I shudder at thought.

"Zayn you okay?" Niall asked cutting me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah sorry" I mumbled looking down

"Guys eat up mum made this meal just for Zayn's welcoming" Liam smiled piling on eggs that look like they were sweating, with pancakes drowning in syrup and diffrent types of greasy breakfast meats. "The meats are all beef hope you don't mind" Liam spoke adding more meat on.

"Not at all" it's not like I'm going to eat any off it.

"Guys Louis said clear all plans for tonight 'cause he's gonna take us all to catch a film and to grab some dinner" just what I need, more food.

"But I had plans with my friends" Harry complained while I played with the disgusting sausage link.

"You have friends?" Niall bursted out laughing at his own joke earning a smile from me and a laugh from Liam.

"Shut up Niall" Harry sent him a death stare while biting into a pancake. Niall just shrugged and continued eating his bacon. I stared blankly at the food that was mocking me. Ten minutes later everyone was done eating and the only thing that entered my mouth was an empty fork and two cups of water.

"Zayn you haven't touched a thing" Liam noticed after Niall and Harry went upstairs.

"I'm not really hungry right now maybe later" I told him standing up. He nodded unsure while I walked up the stairs to grab the Harry Potter book I was supposed to start last week. I knocked on Harry's door not wanting to intrude.

"Come in" I walked in to find him laid on his back with his phone in his hands. He smiled in my direction and I returned it. I grabbed my book careful not to drop anything and left the room.

I walked into the living room to find it empty and sat on the couch. I haven't even started the book yet because when I did last time something or should I say someone came up. I opened to the first page and ran my fingers over a dried tear.

I started to read the story of a boy who reminded me of myself except he goes to hogwarts and finds happiness. I came here and haven't found a thing.


A bit eventful also I changed Zayn's age to 14 but this is so far set in late November time. Please comment your thoughts on each charecter so far. Thank you love you have a great day 😊

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