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||Louis' P.O.V||

I was in the middle of yelling for Zayn when it started to pour, what luck. "Liam take Harry and Niall to the car I'll be right there" I muttered handing him the key. He raised a brow but didn't questing me as he took the boys and left.

"Zayn!" I began yelling once again but the rain only poured harder making it more difficult to hear or see. Where could he be? I found myself jogging to find him, I swear if anyone just touched a hair on his head so help me god I'll kill them.

After 30 minutes I almost gave up until I heard quit sniffles. "Zayn?" I questioned looking under a tree. He looked up to reveal a tear stained face with red cheeks. He was completely soaking and in nothing. I ran up to him pulling him into the biggest hug ever. "Oh baby your okay your okay" I comforted kissing his hair.

"I thought you all forgot me" he admitted crying even more and it broke my heart. I pulled off my jacket and wrapped it around him.

"Shh it's okay" I whispered carrying his almost weightless body towards the car. I rubbed his back and held his face to my chest with the rain still pounding down on us. I sped walked to the car setting Zayn in the passenger's seat.

Liam, Niall, and Harry let out sighs of relief as I turned up the heater. Zayn fell asleep half way on our way home. "How was he when you found him?" Liam whispers, careful not to wake him up.

"The poor boy was balling his eyes out, thought we forgot about him"

"Well Harry did" Niall chirped

"Shut up" Harry snapped

"Why don't you make me?"

"Both of you shut up you'll wake Zayn. The kids must be going through a hard time and we're making it worse. Also can you guys please spend some time with him? Today clearly didn't go as planned so maybe we'll try again next week." I ranted which only made them groan as we pulled up into the parking.

I carried Zayn into the house to find mum and dad sitting out the couch discussing something that seemed serious. "Hello boys" mum smiled warmly dismissing her previous convo. "How's Zayn feeling?"

"He's tired from the loads of shopping" I lied quickly to save Harry's sorry ass. "Harry why don't you go change him into something dry, Liam has the clothes we bought for him" I commented passing him Zayn's sleeping figure. Harry nodded carrying Zayn's small body along with the clothes we bought him.

"Well good night" Liam announced grabbing Niall with him. Mum looked at dad than me and he replied with a quick shake of the head. I was confused by their actions but just shrugged it off and walked upstairs. Today has been a long day.

||Harry's P.O.V||

I set Zayn's sleeping figure on my bed and pulled off his t-shirt "What the heck?" I whispered as I found multiple bruises and cuts covering his body. My face scrunched in confusion, I pulled a sweat shirt over him than took off his pants. I don't want to intrude on his privacy but yet again his legs were covered in cuts and bruises.

I quickly pulled the plaid pajama pants on his skinny frame. Why does he have so many injuries, and most importantly did he want any of us to see? "No please" he mumbled in sleep, what kind of dreams does he have?

I shook my head and placed him on the bed covering him in a blanket. After I quickly changed and brushed my teeth I checked my phone to see some text from my friends.

//dude who was that kid with u today? looked like such a loser//

It was from Jason, he acts so much more cooler than he is. I rolled my eyes ignore the other texts and deciding to get some shut eye. "I'm sorry Zayn" I whispered, running a hand through his hair before falling asleep.

"I woke up to the sounds of sniffles and turned to see Zayn crying beside me. "Oh no Zayn don't cry" I'm so horrible at comforting people. "It's okay" I tried calming him as I sat beside him wrapping an arm around him.

"S-sorry for w-waking you up" he hiccuped.

"Wanna tell me what happened?" I asked in a light voice. He shook his head 'no'. "Okay, Zayn just know that no on will ever hurt you ever again and if they do I'll break their face." I stated pulling him into a hug. He nodded and laid down besides me as my eyes began to close.



"Thank you"


I AM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT!! I hope you guys enjoyed it I promise I'll try to update more! And if you have and ideas or Suggestions don't be scared to tell me! Also if anyone can make a cover please let me know. Love you xx

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