CH. 50 We have to find them

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CH. 50 We have to find them

(Chris POV)

I had my shirt over my nose.

"Dalton! Derek! Agent Bones!" I said.

"I'm here!" Dalton said, crawling to me.

"Derek is fine and so is Agent Bones," Dalton said, I watched Derek and Agent Bones make their ways to me.

"Where the fuck this came from?" Derek asked.

"I don't know but we have to get out of this area, did anyone see where the girls went?!" Agent Bones asked, standing up carefully.

"They went to the stairway," I said, standing up with Dalton and Derek.

"We have to get out of this area, I'm feeling dizzy," Derek said and we nodded our heads.

We walked towards the door that leads to the stairway.

"It's fucking locked," Dalton said. Slamming his hand on the door.

"I'm not letting him get to her again." He said.

"There's another way that can get to the stairs. Follow me." Agent Bones said, walking in front of us as we followed him.

He was holding the wall to keep his balance.

'Kassie? Can you hear me? Where are you?' I asked mind linking her.

'Stairway, he's after us.' She said to me quickly.

My heart panic.

"We have to get to the stairway quickly," I said, rushing.

"It's a couple of feet away, be careful. The Gas." Agent Bones said.

"He's in the stairway, I know he is," I said.

We all started to rush to the door that agent bones said that would lead to the stairway.

"I have keys for this door, he doesn't know about that." He said, taking out his key and unlocking the door.

We rushed in and closed the door behind us.

"I felt like I was going to fucking pass out, where are the girls? Where are we in the stairway?" Dalton asked.

'Kassie, are you going up the stairs or down the stairs?' I asked her.

'We are going up the stairs, he's going to reach us. Where are you, Chris?' Kassie asked in the mind link.

My heart tightens.

'I'm coming.' I said.

"Let's go up the stairs, knowing him. He was probably ahead of the girls down the stairs so we go up." I said.

Everyone nodded.

As we rushed up the stairs.

Dalton turned to look at me.

"Are you mind linking her?" He asked and I nodded my head, a relief look appears on his face.

"Are they okay?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"But he's right behind them, they're running," I said, rushing up the stairs with Dalton.

"Fuck, we should have never come here." He said.

I nodded my head, agreeing, but if we didn't then they would have never figured out who it was. We still would have been in the dark.

What we should have done was went with the girls, we stayed behind because we had questions that proved us right about it having to be someone who is able to get access through things electronically in an easy-access place.

I wasn't going to let him get the chance to get to any of them.

We rushing up the stairs when out of nowhere, we heard gunshots.

We all froze.

"Gunshots?!" Dalton said. With a fearful look on his face.

We quickly continued rushing.

"Fuck, please let them be okay." Agent Bones said rushing.

'Kassie, what was that? That was a gunshot, are you okay?' I mind linked Kassie. She didn't answer. Which wasn't a good sign with me?

"Which floor could they have gone too?" Derek asked.

"I'm assuming he's trying to lure them to the roof, he most likely had each of the floor doors locked so they wouldn't be able to leave the stairway." Agent Bones said.

"If he's trying to get them to the roof, doesn't that mean he has a planned that has to do with the roof?" Derek voiced.

Agent Bones didn't say anything but continued rushing up the stairs.

"Fuck," Derek said as we followed.

"That's the door that leads to the roof." Agent Bones said.

He swung opened the door, it was windy outside. We all got out to the roof.

"Where are the girls?" I asked, looking around.

"Melanie!" Dalton yelled out.

"Melanie!!!" He yelled out again.

'Kassie, where are you, baby? Can you hear me?' I asked. Nothing came.

"I'm going to use my phone. I put a tracker on Tiara." Derek said causing us to turn around.

"I was unable to use my phone while we were running." He said, taking his phone out.

"They're not on the roof, there moving out of the building." He said, making his way to the roof door.

"They were here," Dalton said, grabbing a bow on the floor.

"This is Penelopes. Melanie had it today." Dalton said, with a stricken look on his face.

"How was he, fucking able to get them out of the roof?" Agent Bones asked,

"Let's go, people, they're getting further," Derek said as we followed him.

We followed him to the last floor, the swat team was here, more agents were here and the directors, the other agents awake from the gas, each of them with a stunned look on their faces.

When we reach them, the director's eyes widened.

"What happened? Where are the girls?" He asked.

"He's got them and we can't talk right now." Agent Bones said as we followed Derek.

"Special Agent Bones, where are you going!!! Officers! Mr. Carvalli, this is an open investigation, you guys can't just go-" was what I last heard as we left the building.

"I'll drive," I said, as we made our way to my car.

We got in the car and headed out.

Everyone was quiet, except for Derek as he told me where to go.

"Why didn't I suspect it was him?" Agent Bones said.

"It makes fucking sense that it would be him. He was the one with the most access, he was the one who was able to do all of these things without anyone being able to find out about it. Now that it's revealed that it's him, it makes perfect sense. He took my fucking sister. The sick freak, held me when I cried and he was the one who had my sister this whole time." Agent Bones said with a disgusted.

"I'm going to fucking kill him." He said.

"Were all going to fucking kill him," Dalton said.

"Exactly," I said, I was still trying to reach Kassie through the mind linked but she wasn't answering, which means.

She wasn't conscious.

I swear if anything fucking happens to her, I was going to torture that bastard.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

What do you Dolls think happened to the girls? How was he able to get all three girls? Where do you think the girls are?

Give this chapter a VOTE & COMMENT!!!


-Kassandra Vivu

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