CH. 58 She seems shocked

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CH. 58 She seems shocked

(Kassie POV)

The fact that the children didn't want to leave my side. Their father was rushed to the hospital, a social worker was supposed to take the children, but for some reason. The children were allowed to stay near me for now.

I, of course, didn't mind it one bit, a matter of fact I was glad that they were allowed to stay near me, I didn't want them to be around a social worker or in the hospital while their father laid in the hospital room fighting for his life.

I didn't want them to go through all of the things I have gone through, although they were halfway there.

They would have been fully there if we didn't show up.

We were in the police station, the kids were sitting next to me and although they weren't in the mood for eating snacks or watching t.v, they were doing it anyway. I know deep inside that they were just trying to keep their minds occupied with anything possible.

We weren't near where they were keeping the woman either, the cruel woman who felt the need to destroy people's lives.

No, we were weren't near her, but we weren't that far away from the room that she was being kept in.

She was brought into a room for questioning, why were they going to question her? I had no idea, especially with all the evidence that has been placed against her.

She was beyond guilty, people like her didn't deserve to have their say but just to be locked up immediately.

Chris approached me.

"They're about to start questioning her, I know you'll want to see it happening. We'll be watching behind the one-sided mirror." Chris said.

I turned my attention to the kids.

I then turned my attention back to him.

"The kids, I can't just leave them here," I said to him.

"You can go, we'll be fine." The little girl said next to me, causing my eyes to widen.

"Just make sure that she knows that she's going down." The little girl said.

I stared at both of the little kids, they were just kids but they've already been through so much.

That's the thing that angers me about the things that are happening in the world right now.

People, especially little kids are going through so much.

"Okay," I said softly to them.

I turned to ask Chris who will be here with them and that's when I noticed the same woman from earlier approaching us.

"She'll be with them," Chris said.

The woman smiled at me and nodded her head to me.

"I'll be back okay?" I said turning to look at the kids, they both nodded their heads at me.

Their eyes were still pink from the tears that they were shedding earlier.

"Okay." They both said, I slowly stood up and followed Chris to the room.

There was an officer, on the other side of the one-sided mirror.

He turned and looked at Chris and me.

"Kassie Miller, I'm special agent Rodgeriuz." He said causing me to raise a brow.

He held his hands up.

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